<Talents Outside the Gallery>Exit Through the Gift Shop Experience Sharing

Ping Yu
<Talents Outside the Gallery> Exit Through the Gift Shop

This 10-year-old documentary was filmed by British graffiti master Banksy, and tells the story of a Frenchman Thierry Guetta who is crazy about photography, because his relative is also a graffiti artist (Invader) and then met Shepard Fairey (OBEY's principal). He is also a print artist) and Banksy. At first, Thierry Guetta followed Shepard Fairey to chase after the police, and later even helped him paint a large OBEY poster.

Shepard Fairey's OBEY sticker, this pattern can be regarded as a cultural phenomenon in the United States at that time, if you are interested, you can GOOGLE https://www.hk01.com/%E4%B8%80%E7%89%A9/89552/obey-% E4%B8%80%E5%BC%B5%E8%B2%BC%E7%B4%99%E8%AE%8A%E6%BD%AE%E7%89%8C

Thierry Guetta met the idol Banksy through introduction, and started shooting crazy, but he simply filmed the strange habit of not editing and the technology of editing videos, which made Banksy and a group of foxes and dogs think that he was not suitable for making movies, so he suggested that he can give it a try Do your own art. So he started to create graffiti works under the name of Mr. Brainwash; but if you look closely at his works, you will find a picture with a lot of splash paint or a large number of specific elements. Like a production line at a time, he produced a bunch of works that were played all over the place, completely pursuing form. In the end, he spent a lot of money to open an art exhibition, and there were long queues. At the end of the movie, Banksy sarcastically said that Mr. Brainwash was very good at marketing (not very good at creating, hehe), and he would not encourage others to create art in the future.

At present, most of the opinions that can be seen on the Internet will say that this film is a fake documentary, but Mr. Brainwash is still active in the art circle after 10 years. The latest Ravenel auction in Taipei (2017) even sold for TWD 3,120,000 In his work, the head of Madonna on the right hand side of Chaplin in this painting is a picture that Mr. Brainwash helped design the album cover for Madonna's best album CELEBRATION in 2009. (KKBOX has an article introducing https://www.kkbox.com/tw/tc/column/features-0-427-1.html You can read the KKBOX editor's point of view, but she wrote it wrong, Mr. Brainwash is not Italian Man, my personal preference for his artistic expression is not a tribute at all)

Mr. Brainwash, Life is Beautiful, 2010

This documentary (or pseudo-documentary) digs the contemporary art market in a very ironic way, and I think it's better than what Banksy would do when he turned on a shredder at an auction and shredded his own work. Mr. Brainwash's current achievements in the market have been greatly realized. Banksy often said that the art market is trading garbage, which may be too extreme; and Mr. Brainwash's creative discussion is not seen by people who have not seen his creative process. The eyes are also reasonable and more ironic. I extracted the self-report of his works that were not sold at the autumn auction in 2017. Almost every piece of his work will emphasize that he wants everyone to have the opportunity to make everything possible, and spread a positive and optimistic attitude towards life, although his substance is not necessarily true. Yes. (taken from Ravenel's official website)

I want to show different faces, just ordinary people, they get something more extraordinary because they believe in what they want to do... I want to express (to the viewer) that anything is possible. ” - Mr. Brainwashing Comments on the Broken Vinyl Record Series

Mr. Brainwashing used to be the head of a used clothes recycling shop, and this idea of sustainable management continued to his later creations, such as recycling old tires and decomposed vinyl records, such a special lot - "Dr. Derui", Dr. is an American rapper, record producer, and founder and CEO of Aftermath Entertainment and Beats Electronics. The talent of expressing the music industry through vinyl record media also pays tribute to him.

Mr. Brainwash, Dr. Dre, 2010

Such conveying characteristics can be seen frequently in the political, art, and music circles in Taiwan or the world in recent years. From the KMT Han Kuo-yu who lost the election in January (regardless of his content on the Internet, his life experience in recent years) It has the same dramatic twist as Mr. Brainwash), Mumble rap (SoundCloud rap) popular with American teenagers, and even Taiwanese pop music, etc. I think there is a little shadow. But this leads to another question, isn't art only the surface? What kind of connotation is the so-called connotation? Can only the form of artistic expression also be regarded as a connotation? This film brings out a lot of interesting and no standard answers. The question is, how much more do we know today after 10 years?

refer to

Ravenel Artist Bio



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Ping Yu台灣/博物館工作者/關心台灣文化/喜愛金屬樂/喜歡嘗試新事物/喜歡討論爭議性話題 在這個園地分享各種亂七八糟心得跟經驗
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