How the 96 Naval Exercises Caused the Collective Anxiety of the Taiwanese People


These few days, the exercises have surrounded the stage... ah no! Surrounding Taiwan, I took a look, eh! The nearest place is in the waters off the coast of Kenting. The shortest distance from the building where I live is less than 20 kilometers, which is almost visible to the naked eye. My first reaction turned out to be, put on a 24-hour live broadcast on the balcony.. .. fucked me up, got carried away by traffic thinking.

This reminds me of the 1996 missile test, when a bunch of idle people ran to the nose corner in the northeastern corner of Taiwan, and there were also many vendors selling large intestines and small intestines. The reporter asked a member of the public, "Big brother, what are you looking at here?" Big brother held a half-eaten sausage in his hand and said, "Ah, let's watch the missile fall!" than YA! end in.

Thank you for the rocket on the other side of the old iron brush

For the common people, it is very helpless to be kidnapped by international politics, but they still have to eat and sleep every day, what should they do? People” were indignant and denounced the people’s indifference.

Taiwanese people express emotional stability

But recalling the military exercise in 1996, it actually caused a certain degree of panic in Taiwan. This panic was actually caused by a best-selling book "August 1995", and even contained some religious superstitions. , like a stone thrown into calm water, the ripples have grown larger and larger over the years.

"August 1995" was published in 1994 and was written by Zheng Langping, who was still a journalist at the time. In this book, he talked about how the cross-strait military fluctuations and political interactions, and even the changes in the international situation, led to the occurrence of the "forced invasion of Taiwan". September 25 to October 23)

Zheng Langping simulated a battle against Taiwan by force at the end, this day is called "T DAY" (D DAY imitating the Normandy landing), two years, half a year, one month, three days before T DAY, and one hour before zero o'clock , zero hour, one hour after zero hour, the next day.... Various scenarios are presented in the form of novels: special forces infiltrate Taiwan society, destroying the military key areas at the same time before attacking Taiwan; air raids expand the infiltration results, paralyzing the administrative center; The naval and air forces on standby in the name of the exercise landed and suppressed the entire island.

As for why it was a leap August in 1995? In addition to the political and economic situation, he also looked at Chinese history. In the 20th century, China must have major events every leap in August. Finally, he returned to the push back map, the operation of heaven and so on.

In August 1900, the Eight-Power Allied Forces invaded

But the year before this book was published, during the Gu-Wang talks (Wang-Gu talks), the two sides of the strait were in the best period after 1949. Taiwanese were in the heat of the mainland, and they were moving westward in waves. No one believed in cross-strait relations at all. will be nervous.

If it was just a book about the situation between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait, it would not have caused such a big stir at all. But I never imagined that the Qiandao Lake incident occurred in 1994, and then from the end of that year, large-scale military operations were launched on both sides of the strait. The United States has dispatched two aircraft carrier fleets to the coast of Taiwan, and the situation has turned sharply like a spiral, and it is about to break out, pushing the prophecy drama of "August 1995" to its climax.

96 military exercise

Throughout the first half of the 1990s, when Taiwan had just been liberated from the shackles of martial law, a high EQ meant that the society was thriving, while a low EQ meant that the society was particularly chaotic. In addition to social problems such as sour oil (ditch oil), cadmium rice, radiated steel bars, gravel trucks, etc., now there is an anxiety of "the Communist Party of Afghanistan is about to fight!" Taiwan is going to end" feeling. A large number of conservatives, especially the senior citizens of the military, the Catholic Church, the Party and the country, are panicking. No one expected that the prophecy would come true, and a wave of immigration broke out. The number of immigrants in 1995 was more than the sum of the past five years.

Zhongxiao East Road, Taipei in the 1990s (United Daily News: Report Time)

However, the beginning of the collective panic of "August 1995" can be pushed forward to Taiwan's Christian circles in 1992. Zheng Langping also mentioned in the book that the source of his inspiration for writing the book was hearing some "prophecies" of the Christian charismatic sect at the earliest.

Around 1992, a preacher Yu Yirong, who returned from the United States, claimed to have been inspired by God. In the past few years, he preached in the churches all over Taiwan that Taiwan's morals had become extremely corrupt. God would use the A Communist Party to attack Taiwan in 1995 and judge those in Taiwan. prophecy. Taiwan will be destroyed like never before. This is a precursor to Christ's return, and it encourages brothers and sisters to escape the disaster as soon as possible. Unless the entire Taiwanese people repent from top to bottom, this disaster will never be avoided.

This kind of prophecy is not unfamiliar to Christians. The earliest prototype is probably the same as the prophet Jonah in the Old Testament to warn the city of Nineveh that God will be punished if he does not repent of God. This incident has continued to ferment in the church world for more than two years. The wealthy began to plan to immigrate to North America, and some people in the church began to rumor that in order to "preserve the remnant", God also prepared a "land flowing with milk and honey" Belize (Belize), a small country in Central and South America, where the New Jerusalem, a Christian city, will be established.

Belize (Belize)

Many believers, because of their different views, have caused family divisions and church divisions. Many people believe it, quit their jobs, sell all their property, and immigrate to Belize (Belize). Many church pastors and elders sold their churches and fled to Belize with the money. There are even priests who lead believers to go there in groups. My parents also went to investigate. If my family went there, maybe I could be exempted from the Tsinghua exam in the next few years (?)

As a result, when a large number of Taiwanese went there, they directly sold the local land in Belize from a few thousand yuan per ping (3.3 square meters) to 60,000 yuan per ping, and even the locals were unlucky. It turned out that a relative of a priest who had encouraged the believers to flee to Belize made a fortune by specializing in real estate there.

It's just that I didn't expect that the infrastructure of the land of milk and honey was so poor. I didn't know what to do when I went there, and I ended up in a dilemma. Many people went back to Taiwan in despair, so I asked a pastor, if God tells you to go, you can go, and then when you come back, God asks you to come back? He saw through the red dust and said kindly, "Everything has God's good will". fuck you!

So I saw a piece of news. In an exhibition, an immigration agency distributed leaflets in the crowd, and a limited edition of "August 1995" was given away. Selling anxiety is a commercial selling point in any era. Obviously, the immigration company They found their selling point from the sound of possible "violence of force against Taiwan".

"1995 Leap in August" has caused widespread controversy in the global Chinese community. It is said that it sold 1.5 million copies and became the best-selling book in Taiwan's history. Probably only "President Jiang Gongjia's Words" can be compared. This book earned Zheng Langping tens of millions of royalties and immigrated to Canada.

In 2004, Zheng Langping predicted again

Similar to the situation where many Chinese people can say no in various ways, many booksellers took advantage of the situation to release some follow-up books, such as "Dangerous Prophecy: The Myth of Breaking the Leap August", "The Battle for Leap August", "The New Year's Eve". War: The Last Moment of Taiwan"), "Decisive Battle with the United Nations in 1997", even Zheng Langping collected positive and negative opinions, put together various comments, and then took advantage of the situation to publish a book "August Shock", making another profit .

Even the famous movie "August 1995" was released in a hurry, which inspired people's hearts. The movie starred Huang An and Lin Ruiyang, and the movie posters even covered the book.

In the movie, Huang An was still a "patriotic" passionate young man! Unexpectedly, after more than 20 years, they all overturned the car.

Among all the follow-up books that sell anxiety, the one that impressed me the most is the publication in 1994 of the "Guidebook for Personal Survival of China-G Forced Criminals in Taiwan", which is really a strange book. This is an instructive book. If you do encounter these things, how do you deal with it.

The author Xu Zongmao, that is, Qin Feng who later compiled "The Years of Taiwan", is worthy of being a literati. Although it is a serious topic, it can be resolved in this book as a joke and scolding all kinds of satire on Taiwan's political chaos. A funny book.

The structure of the book ranges from "Before the War", "Be Prepared", and "After the War", the classic of which is "After the War", which vividly describes the personality and psychology of the Taiwanese.

For example, there are signs of war, where should you go: the Philippines? Singapore? Malaysia? Indonesia? Japan? Each has advantages and disadvantages.

After the liberation of Taiwan, you'd better get used to riding a bicycle, not only because of the tight gasoline supply, but also good for your health.

If you have a sensitive identity and want to escape from Taiwan, what should you do? You have to train your body well and practice your swimming skills diligently... In short, I read it as a political fable.

It is worth mentioning that the illustrations in this book were drawn by Jimi, the one you think of, and the style of painting is now much more mature.

This article is titled "Adapting to the New Era"

Later, you also know that there was no fight in 1995, the King of Terror did not come in 1997, and the Y2K crisis in 2000 was passed safely, right! Since 1995, I have heard that China is about to collapse, but it has not collapsed until now. It has been almost 30 years, but who knows what will happen in the next few years!

A few years ago, I took a taxi in Taipei with a friend from the mainland, and I didn’t know how to talk about politics with the taxi driver. I thought to myself, “Not good!” As the conversation grew, the driver yelled: “Taiwan is being punished by the people. Joining the party is like this, why are you not ready to attack Taiwan by force!" The friend was very embarrassed when he heard it, and reassured the driver, "The two sides of the strait are one family! Peace is the most valuable, haha!" As soon as you land, I'll send you mineral water!" Then take out a red flag from the side storage box (hold it as you drive) "I'm all ready! As soon as you land, I'll raise the red flag to the roof of the car!

"I sat in the front seat with sharp eyes: "Ah brother? Why do you still have the Japanese American flag? "The driver was stunned for a moment, and then he was embarrassed to say: " I often go to the airport to charter a car!" I will hang the flag of which country the guest is from."


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