Thirsty (Slightly Drunk Edition)

I feel so amazed! It's looping!

Today's Sunday Good Song will introduce Amei's 2011 work "I'm Thirsty", but today's singer is Ba Sanyao sang with Ke Jiayan at the concert. I have to say that I liked their slightly drunk version very much. The mature and glamorous electronic version of singing Amei on KTV will be very difficult to turn around! (Because I can't be beautiful~~) It's a pity that I can't sing this live version on KTV~~, no rant! Listen to the song!

Words: Chen Zhenchuan

Song: Ba San Yao A Pu

Composer: Ba Sanyao, TeN

Do you feel as amazed as I am? Of course Basanyao's Pu is amazing. I remember hearing them sing at a music festival. I think his voice is very expressive. The sound performance is definitely very different and is impressive too! What I'm talking about is Ke Jiayan, who has always been confused by her actress status. In addition, knowing that she is also a person with rich life experience and a high EQ, I was stunned when I didn't think of it. The control of the voice is very good, and The soft voice line and the smooth transition, not a singer but able to perform so powerfully on the scene, I am very impressed! This yesterday called the slightly drunk version is very appropriate and comfortable!

If there is anything you want to know or need to add, please leave a message to let me know =] Of course, you can also come to raise the bar~~

This article was published on PotatoMedia on the same day

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CHAO YI我是一名物理治療師,會不定期跟大家分享,自己的想法跟一些治療上的經驗,還有些衛教!=]
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