It's okay to trust the government 👏👏👏

It's okay to trust the government 👏👏👏

(Cable News) Several citizens said that they had been defrauded of at least 40 million yuan in buying "unfinished buildings" in the Greater Bay Area.

Ms. Ye, chairman of the Zhongshan Real Estate Incident Concern Group: "The government promotes the Greater Bay Area and tells us to buy, live, and work, so a group of us buys as a group; if there is a problem now, the government should help us tell Beijing directly and express to the central government, Help us."

Miss Leung: "The police refused our report on the grounds that the cross-border fraud had nothing to do with other things. Cambodian people were also 'sold pigs'. In life, money is deceived."


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舉步生瘋本人樂觀開朗,身體健康,近期至未來五十年之人生規劃都已妥當,交友廣闊,身無隱疾,且家中尚有老父老母需奉養,絕無任何自殺輕生之意圖。 生活作息正常,更無機會接觸木炭、毒藥、槍砲彈藥等危險管制物品。 本人並無任何使我困擾之慢性病或心理疾病,故絕不可能做出任何看似自殺之行為。
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