14 Temperance Ostara Tarot


14 Temperance Ostara Tarot Meaning

The carnivore and its prey ran out of the box held by the woman. Everything in this world is tied to balance. Just as light is always necessary to fight off darkness. Moderation encourages you to maintain the balance you already have. You are praised for your gentle thinking skills. It has to take some time now to develop a special mind that understands the duality of the world and accepts your place in it. Get access to insiders to answer your questions and believe in yourself. This is a well thought out and reflected card.

Temperance reversed means that some aspect of your life is out of balance. You need to pay attention to it subtly to fix this instability and restore balance again. If you feel that something is taking too much of your mind, you can rely on your intuition. Maybe it's time to think about allocating internal energies to ensure they're routed where they're most needed.

Keywords: balance symmetry knowledge peace

Overview of the Ostara Tarot

If you also like Ostara Tarot, you can buy it here: Ostara Tarot

Original link to Ta19


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