"Strangers Met in Namtso" (6) Sera Monastery

In her opinion, although the lama did not participate in the debate, it seemed that everything was understood, so there was no need to argue any further. She thought her way of looking at people was ridiculous. In the eyes of outsiders, she may also be a calm and composed person. Only she herself knows that she is a sleeping volcano. Or something that could explode at any time. For the sake of safety, it is better not to approach the fire source.
Debate in Sera Monastery

The next day, she woke up early and saw that he was still sleeping soundly in the next bed.

After grooming, seeing that the weather was fine, I wanted to go out again.

Remembering that she hadn't been to Sera Monastery yet, she remembered that it was the day of the debate, and looking at him who was still sleeping, she decided to go there by herself.

She ate something casually and strolled around for a while. Seeing that it was almost time, she called a car to Sera Monastery by herself.

Sera Monastery is a very beautiful temple. The most special place there is that the lamas in the temple can debate scriptures.

Like most tourists, she came here to watch the debate.

She was not disappointed, and indeed saw a group of lamas debating scriptures dancing.

The truth is, she doesn't understand Tibetan, and neither do most tourists. She wondered if they were just talking nonsense—the tourists didn't know the difference.

Thinking of this, she suddenly wanted to share it with him and see what he thought.

If only he came along. she thinks.

Didn't she tell herself that everything would end on Everest? Why do you want to think of him again?

Walking in the temple, the more she thought about it, the more afraid she became.

At this time, her eyes were suddenly attracted by a lama.

This lama is very young, with a beautiful face, holding a scripture book, and sitting under the tree with a peaceful face, unlike other lamas who are excited to debate scriptures.

In her opinion, although the lama did not participate in the debate, it seemed that everything was understood, so there was no need to argue any further.

She thought her way of looking at people was ridiculous.

In the eyes of outsiders, she may also be a calm and composed person.

Only she herself knows that she is a sleeping volcano. Or something that could explode at any time.

For the sake of safety, it is better not to approach the fire source.

Just when she gave herself an order, she looked up to the other side and saw him.

She recognized that he was surrounded by several other travelers who were staying in the same hostel.

She broke down. She didn't believe her eyes. Lhasa is so big, is it really that easy to meet?

She immediately swept her eyes away as if nothing had happened, hoping that he hadn't seen her, and walked straight to the door, preparing to leave the Sera Monastery.

While waiting for the car at the gate, she thought to herself, hurry up to have a car, hoping not to bump into them and just leave.

However, that's how things are. She waited for a long time without a car. Then.

He and his fellow travelers also left Sera Monastery, and he also saw her.

He walked towards her. he asked her with a smile.

"You saw me just now. Why don't you pretend you can't see it?"

"No. Did you see me? I can't see you. When did you arrive?"

"We've been here for about thirty minutes. Let's go together."

"No, I'll just wait here for the car, you go with them, I won't join."

"Now that the most touristy period has passed, it's hard for you to find a car alone. Let's go together."

After all, he no longer gave her a chance to object, and pulled her to the side of the other travelers. She had no choice but to join them.

The ability of the travelers to find a car is indeed very high, and a group of them quickly called the car and returned to the center of Lhasa. A group of people booed and said they wanted to watch a Tibetan song and dance performance together. She didn't want to participate at first, but then she thought that it would be better to go to see it with them. She was also a little curious about the Tibetan song and dance performance, and wanted to know what kind of performance it was.

She suddenly felt that it might not be so scary to play with a large group of people.

(To be continued)


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