Alternatives to Plastic Bags: Pouches

Please throw plastic bags directly into the recycling vehicle
Fundraising progress 6%

According to Internet reports, an average person uses two plastic bags per day (Note 1). If one plastic bag is assumed to be 0.3 yuan, it will cost 0.3*2*365= 219 yuan for 365 days in a year.

For those of you who are reading the article, are the plastic bags you buy every day " reusable "? Or " throw it away ". The original invention of plastic bags was to replace "paper bags" to prevent trees from being cut down, so someone invented plastic bags to replace paper bags. The original inventor thought that everyone would "reuse" because of the impact of paper bags on the environment. Big, it takes a lot of water to make cloth bags (Note 2). As a result, the only way to solve the "plastic bag pollution problem" is to "reuse the bags you have in your hands", but in fact "the pollution has not decreased, but the epidemic has As a result, the use of plastic bags has also increased (Note 3).”

At present, the reBag policy promoted by some county and city governments is far from keeping up with the speed of people's consumption of plastic bags. The reBag can recycle " plastic bags, paper bags, and reusable bags ". The author lives in New Taipei City and has actually seen the recycling boxes. They are left unattended outside the store, and they are probably reduced to "garbage bins" of plastic bags. When I actually visited a store that cooperates with recycling, the answer I got was, " We don't accept plastic bags, only paper bags and reusable bags ." Wait, have you noticed the "blind spot"?

The most common and most commonly used are the so-called "red and white plastic bags", but the store does not accept them. This kind of plastic bag can only be used "once", and it can only be discarded when it is oily or broken. Paper bags and reusable bags recycled by the store are more likely to appear on the counters of department stores, so can reBag really reduce the weight of plastic bags? I think "the effect is limited" . In the end, the author gave the "clean and unbroken plastic bags" to the resource recycling vehicle, which is also the small standard of my article, and handed it directly to the resource recycling vehicle . Only by remaking "recycled bags" or other related plastic products can the industry achieve the first step in reducing the amount of plastic bags.

After understanding the problem of "contamination of old clothes", the author thought of using old clothes to make common plastic bags to enter the reBag mechanism for recycling, and named it "clothing bags". Become a bag . Some old clothes may be bleached by bleach, and you don't want to wear them at all, so just use them as bags for daily purchases, and throw them in the washing machine when they get dirty.

Clothes can already be washed in the washing machine, and so can the toilet bag. The key point is to "use it more than once" , and the form of such clothes into bags can be called reTypetouse, which can also be regarded as extending the service life of "clothes" . As long as the plastic bag is dirty, most people will directly throw it away, not to mention the oil stain, it still has a greasy feeling after washing it with detergent. And the bags made of clothes will not have the same problem as plastic bags in cleaning, just because the sharp tool is cut and broken, then it is good to sew it up. "Plastic can only" be recycled all the time. "Plastic bags are easier to recycle than old clothes, and old clothes cannot be burned directly." Are you aware of this "ridiculous" fact?

Although using old clothes to solve the problem of plastic bags is not a "perfect solution", it can effectively reduce the use of plastic bags. And this is also the solution I thought of using old clothes to solve the problem of excessive plastic bags, but fundamentally restricting "plastic bag manufacturing" and "fast fashion clothing" can solve the environmental pollution caused by both in one breath.

My name is Lin Jianjian. Currently, I am raising funds for the " Old Clothes Regeneration Project " on shell digging. If you have spare energy, sponsoring the project is equivalent to doing your best for the pollution of old clothes. For related heavy-duty products, please pay attention to the old clothes. The fan page of the clothing rebirth project, thank you.


  1. Taiwanese use 16.5 billion plastic bags a year! Earth Day calls for reducing plastic from life
  2. Cold knowledge of plastic bags: It turns out that plastic bags were originally an environmental protection tool! - BBC News in Chinese
  3. Taiwan consumes 20 billion plastic bags every year

Yibaike Old Clothes Rebirth Project | New-style old clothes recycling, changing the new value of old clothes.

Clothes Rebirth Project Fan Page


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