2021 kids birthday cupcake recommendation, super cute Pokémon shape handmade sharing


Last week, I received the news that my niece was going to participate in the kindergarten fun. Every child had to prepare some snacks or desserts to share with the classmates, so as an aunt, I decided to help him prepare his favorite Pokémon series - the shape cup Cake recommendation , so that he can go to kindergarten to show off!!!

Because now the child is not a good bucket can solve it XD

This time, Whoscake has prepared five classic characters from Pokémon cartoons, all of which are made by hand. Now I will share them with you one by one~~

The first: Pokémon - Pikachu shaped cupcake

The most classic character in Pokémon, Pikachu, is the first Pokémon character that Ash got!!! Has skills such as 100,000 Volts, Electric Shock, Lightning Flash, etc., and can also evolve into Raichu. It's also one of the most asked characters!

The second item: Pokémon - Duck Cupcake

The cute Duck Duck often has headaches and forgets things, is not too aggressive, and often appears sluggish, but it is a very lovable Pokemon character. Mizu also likes this Duck so much!!

The third item: Pokémon - Kirby Beast Shaped Cupcake

A Pokémon character who loves to eat and sleep, Kabimon most often uses tongue-licking moves. Although he is huge, he is not good at close combat. The fat body looks very healing ٩(♡ε♡ )۶ Does anyone also like Kabimon???

Item 4: Pokémon - Gengar Shaped Cupcake

Gengar is a ghost, poison-type Pokémon character, with a very naughty personality, a mischievous creature, and a creature that will seize other prey. It is a little devil-like existence, most suitable for sharing with friends and classmates in the class who are more eccentric XD

Item 5: Pokémon - Variety Strange Shaped Cupcake

The purple liquid monster is a character with the ability to transform into the character he sees. The two Doudou eyes and the signature smile are also Pokémon belonging to the healing category!!! I believe there must be a lot of children rushing to choose this~~

After reading these five sets of Pokémon cupcakes with different shapes, everyone should have found it!!!

A set of cupcakes has 9 pieces, each with 1 main character and 8 supporting character cookies!

This kind of design is not only suitable for fun parties and parties, but also more suitable for birthday parties!!

Not only can Shou Xing take the main shape of his favorite Pokémon, but the other 8 baby ball shapes can also share his joy with others!!!

The most important point!!! The above shaped biscuits are reluctant to eat, they can be kept as souvenirs!!!

Take back the original packaging bag, you can take it home and store it for several years.

Isn't it very special? The CP value is really high. Buying a cake will give the birthday star an extra souvenir.

The five characters are lined up, isn't it super handsome~

After the end, Mizi kept saying that many classmates envied him, which made him feel super face! (Aunt's goal is achieved (/◕ヮ◕)/)

Attach the pure hand-made process of Whoscake Pokémon cupcakes :

Birthday is the most important day of the year for everyone. If you have a happy birthday, you will have a good year, right?

If you want to give your children or birthday stars an unforgettable birthday memory, you have a new choice this year, you can have a unique custom cup cake, come and create a surprise with Whoscake.

Whoscake wants to bring you not only a cup cake, but also a birthday gift that can be collected for a long time!

This article is the original article of Whoscake's cake. If you want to forward it, please indicate the original link:

The latest five cup cakes in 2021 are recommended, Pokemon series cup cake home delivery


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