Valentine's Day

How are you spending Valentine's Day?

Today's Valentine's Day, I wish all lovers in the world will be married!

Too old fashioned! ? But you can't get married. Is it possible to do "renqing" (gift money) when people bring their dependents?

Therefore, I hope that the unaccompanied will take action quickly, do not hesitate, and say to him/her: I love you!

How are you spending Valentine's Day?

For those who don't have a lover, you don't have to say that you don't like Valentine's Day so quickly, because to put it bluntly, why should you care if you don't care? When you have a lover in the future, you cannot avoid spending time together!

Of course, people who have lovers don't need to pay too much attention to Valentine's Day, because too deliberate will become a routine, and it will be very hard to make new tricks every year.

In fact, the significance of the festival is to remind people who neglect their daily life, at least on a specific day to express it!

However, sometimes we seem to be influenced by the atmosphere of some festivals. No matter how we have to express our intentions in the festival, we become insincere, celebrate the festival for the festival, and even have the festival.

How was Valentine's Day?

It doesn't matter if you have a lover, a person or a group of people, it's best to spend it happily!

How do I spend Valentine's Day?

Once, I never thought that I would spend Valentine's Day in the mourning hall, but in order to bid farewell to an elderly relative of my lover, I passed it like this.

In this unfamiliar place, we sat quietly, watching and listening to some ceremonies like onlookers, but we didn't know why.

There is no grief or weeping here. After all, he is already a hundred-year-old person, and his life and death have already been fully realized.

There are flowers here, as well as the nostalgia and remembrance of relatives and friends. Those who love her and those she loves are being presented on the faces of different people.

In life, we all yearn to be loved, loved and loved. Although one day, for love, we will die in pain, and hope that what remains after death is still love, not hate.

On that day, there was no romantic candlelight, no special table, no delicious food, but when I was with her, it was already a loving Valentine's Day.


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