[Matters 95] In case, I like you

Ten years ago, fart kid(?) mode. (Hey! Don't pretend to be young!)

"In case I fall in love with you"

If I fall in love with you, then maybe I am the autumn red in the sunset. Nature gives me color. In the wind, humidity and dry breath, I find a place where I can put my beautiful thoughts.

Just in case I like you then maybe I'm a silver-blue fish hiding in the waves cold give me fiery heat in the salt, the depths, and the rough sea rock to find a notch where a memory bubble can be placed

In case I like you then maybe I am a little star beyond the firmament May the light of the moon or the sun swallow me so I can watch over you from a distance in the invisible world

Light years away, lonely and dazzling with the sacrifice of souls, and dazzling and lonely, because it seems eternal at first, but it is only a moment. If you just raise your face at this moment, I may actually be turned to ashes. It is only the gap of time and space, so I can survive and not be wiped out for a while.

The encounter of one in ten million comes from the retreat of one in ten million, but after the retreat of one in ten million is standing in the desert that one in ten million likes

If I fall in love with you, I will end up being a huge iceberg that sinks into the deep water, but I'm just waiting for the boat that carries you to pass by, even if I just look at it, the cold will fade away and the flowers will bloom

Therefore, in the eternal night, the winter and the loneliness, there is light, flowers, and company to exist.

So I understand that if I fall in love with you, I have to admit that I just like it, but I will turn into the wind, the leaves, the sea, the dust, the stars hiding behind the sun and the moon, and I wish I could be invisible but know you at any moment. The trail is a fortress that I fill with foam-like thoughts or crumb-like memories

So I found out that I like you is a black hole and the black hole was nameless and chaotic in which I was reorganized and folded


I recently organized the document, and I can't help but occasionally look at the text written in the past. Frankly speaking, looking back on the words I wrote at different times really has a sigh of "well, how could I write such words/words in the first place".

This fake poem was found in the folder of 10 years. It is very sticky, very tricky, and very wrong to my current taste. It is just a show off. Therefore, I reworked a few sentences today and changed a few words. , but still felt it was a bit too heavy. But when it was released, it was just a smile from Bo Jun, looking at the time when he was a fart child (?) and forced to express his sorrow for new words.

As for the circumstances at that time to write such words, about the scene, about the mood that may have occurred, I can't remember anything. However, I pushed back with my fingers. Speaking of which, I should have been unable to pursue love at that time. Who would have the strength to fall in love when they were studying for exams and seeking further education! (So pragmatic, but it is true. Especially in the process of growing up, I always knew that it is impossible to be liked if you are not good enough, and I also know that if you are not good enough, you will not have the ability to like others - even though I am still with Excellence is very far away, and even the next sentence seems to make excuses for oneself, that is, excellence and liking are not the same thing, so the above concept is ridiculously wrong, but accidentally this kind of excellence and liking are connected. Subconsciously, it pushes me to fear and avoid everything that has to do with liking.)

It suddenly occurred to me that I have liked ancient prose very much since I was a child. Although the poems are not familiar to me, and the prose is not bad at heart, the words and sentences are half-truth and half-imaginary, and the beauty is self-contained and harmonious, and there is always a little bit left in my heart. , not according to the time. But he said that he was afraid of the word danmei, but when he was young and indifferent, he always wanted to indulge in it so as to escape the boredom of the world. When I was awake, I hated such a slump myself, but when I was tired, I always thought what was wrong?

Therefore, I am willing to deliver my soul in exchange for [occasionally] the qualification to be beautiful.
Even though time is fleeting and years are old.


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