Telegram can't send private messages to others, what should I do? How to solve?

The article comes from the Telegram Chinese Club For more welfare resources, please visit

How to fix telegram not being able to send private messages to others

When you want to privately chat with a user, the prompt is as follows in English:

“Sorry, you can only send messages to mutual contacts at the momet.”

(Sorry, you can only send private messages to two-way contacts right now.)

It means that your current Telegram account is abnormal and you cannot take the initiative to privately chat with others. This situation is generally caused by binding the +86 Chinese mobile phone number.


- Option 1, send a message application to the TG official robot @SpamBot, follow the instructions as shown in the picture, and wait for a while to lift the restriction.

If the mobile phone number is blocked during registration, you can send an email to []( in English to explain the situation and apply for unblocking.

- Option 2, just change to a mobile phone number other than +86. If you don't have it, you can choose to buy a Google Voice virtual number and use it to bind Telegram to lift the restriction.

Join @UniversityAlliance for consultation if needed.

Google Voice numbers can also be bound to foreign accounts such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc., to prevent verification code information from being detected by domestic operators and avoid account risks.


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