Block World | Now is the best time to become an "appreciative citizen"

YK @一杯咖啡的生活
Why? Because the current value of LikeCoin is large...

"Citizens of Appreciation" will be officially changed to the Web3 version on February 21, 2022. To become a "Citizen of Appreciation", you must entrust 5,000 $Likes to the "Citizen of Appreciation Node". See this article for details

If you are considering whether or not to become an "appreciative citizen", I would suggest that you take the opportunity of the current LikeCoin price drop to become an "appreciative citizen". The reason is very simple - if you save money, you will earn it. At that time (21/2) 1 $Like cost 0.02 $US, now 1 $Like only costs 0.0079 $US (quoted at 1:09 on 5/5).

Want to be an "appreciative citizen" but don't have LikeCoin? This article helps you " Buy LikeCoin, price information, take stock of OTC traders, and prepare for the appreciation of Citizen Web3 "

The article contains useful information on the OTC transaction of LikeCoin. One of the OTC transactions in Hong Kong is called " Appreciation of the Small Bank ". Friends in Hong Kong, if you need to exchange LikeCoins, you are welcome to use this small service. The process is as follows:

1) Connect with me using Telegram (@BAM_YK),
2) Inform the number of LikeCoins you need (minimum 1,000, maximum 10,000)
3) I will give a quotation (with service fee included) and provide my FPS,
4) If you accept the offer, please give your LikeCoin wallet address, and record the screenshot of FPS,
5) I will send LikeCoin to the wallet address you gave to complete the transaction.
Transaction Notes:
1) The transaction is based on the principle of "your love and my willingness". If you feel that the quotation is not satisfactory, don't force it.
2) "Appreciate Little Money Shop" is not a 24-hour service, and sometimes it is not possible to reply immediately, please forgive me.
3) Exactly the content of the transaction, and each transaction is targeted to be completed within 15 minutes.

The article is made public and aims to be shared for the benefit of others; please support "Creation is Valuable" and " Appreciate Citizen ".
Please choose one of the following cryptocurrencies as a reward☕ to support the creator:
LikeCoin 】【 USD 】【 ATOM 】【 OSOM 】【 DSM 】【 XTZ 】【 JUNO 】【 CRO 】【 IOV 】【 HUAHUA 】【 BTSG 】【 ETH 】【 Custom AmountThank you for your support😄

Me and @Paul. It is a team of validators of the LikeCoin node " BusinessAsMission ".
You are welcome to become our delegator and pledge your LikeCoin to our node, thank you for your support!


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