"Doctor Wise Life" is gentle and kind to the ups and downs of life and life itself

Laughing and crying, crying and crying, this is a healing medical drama that touches the depths of life. When the blood of "The World of the Married" next door erupted and flooded, drowning people not paying for their lives, "Doctor Wise Life" was neither salty nor spicy, there was no villain tossing around, and there was no classic Korean drama who crossed the road without looking at the road with the torrential rain. . But who are Director Shin and Writer Lee in "Please Answer Series"? The laughter is full but not deliberate, and the cry is a lot but not sensational, which makes people feel unfinished.
"Doctor Wise Life" stills / IMDb

Laughing and crying, crying and laughing, this is a healing medical drama that can touch the depths of life.

When the next station "The World of the Married" erupted into a flood of dog blood and drowned people without paying for their lives, "The Life of a Witty Doctor" was neither salty nor spicy. In comparison, it can be said to be a bland existence, and there are no bad people tossing around. There is no classic Korean drama that must cross the road without looking at the protagonist accompanied by the torrential rain. But who are director Shin Won-ho and writer Lee Yoo-ting of "Please Answer Series"? Full of laughter but not deliberate, a lot of crying but not sensational, the viewing experience is comfortable and smooth, and the meaning is still unfinished.

"Doctor Wise Life" stills / IMDb
Let's just wait ten minutes and start in ten minutes? We can't let the children cry every Children's Day thinking of their deceased father!

Yesterday, when a young father went through the discharge procedures, Li Yizhen (played by Cao Zhengshu) was very happy to lift the bar with the couple and help their young son assemble Transformers. The little boy happily told Yizhen Aluxi that tomorrow on Children's Day, Dad is going to take him to eat fried noodles! Unexpectedly, today the young father was sentenced to brain death due to a car accident.

When Yihan went to visit them in the family waiting room, the little boy jumped on Aluxi happily and asked with a virgin expression, "Where is father?" In grief, the young wife agreed to donate her husband's organs. In the operating room, Yi Chen didn't move the knife for a long time, and kept looking at the clock. The doctor at Jiangyun University Hospital, who was notified to collect the organs, was complaining that he hadn't closed his eyes for several days. Yihan fought back tears, glanced at the fuzzy clock at 11:50 in the middle of the night, and answered with a choked voice, "Let's just wait ten minutes, and then start in ten minutes? We can't let the children think of their dead father every Children's Day. And cry for the holidays!" Everyone was quiet.

This is the last tenderness he can give.

This episode brought tears to my eyes! I cried until I had to hit the pause button to wipe my tears and snot. (Actor Cao is amazing!)

"Doctor Wise Life" stills / IMDb
You have worked hard, you have worked really hard, and you have tried your best to protect the child at the last moment. It's amazing, really hard work!

When delivering the brainless baby, Yang Shuoheng (Kim Daming) instructed the nurse to turn up the music, and asked the resident doctor Qiu Minhe to cover the baby's mouth. Min He was very angry and felt that this behavior was very cold-blooded. Coupled with Shuo Heng's usually lonely and expressionless image, she exclaimed that there was such an unreasonable and selfish doctor in the obstetrics and gynecology department!

Unexpectedly, senior nurse Chengzhu explained to her that the brainless child will not live for a few days after birth. Shuoheng has asked the mother if she wants to see the child, but the mother refused. In this case, if the mother can hear the child's cry again. How much shadow and guilt will it bring to her life? These practices are the real consideration.

When the child was born, the music gradually became stronger, Shuoheng squatted in the mother's ear, constantly encouraging her: "It's hard work, you really worked hard, and you tried your best to protect the child at the last moment. It's amazing, it's really hard work. !" (I just wanted to make the mother cry to distract her attention) , the doctors and nurses who hated him all changed their minds on him.

"Doctor Wise Life" stills

Are your accustomed bosses and locomotive colleagues driving you crazy? Back home and bombarding my partner, children, relatives... I feel like I'm losing my life and I'm on the verge of mental breakdown. You who are not spared by life may sneer: "They are doctors and medical school professors. They are so well paid and paid so well, so they can choose to be so kind."

The "good thing" is that the God of Destiny has never spared anyone. Li Yihan's wife was sent abroad to Germany for many years, leaving him alone in South Korea to take care of the child Yuzhu, and both his work and family were burnt. After finally returning to China, he got off the plane and immediately informed him that he had been wearing a green hat for many years (or her friend's husband) and The fact that he wants to divorce; Yang Shuoheng is even more pitiful, his sister fell to her death, his father lived with the young mistress who had an affair, his mother was in poor health, and he and his wife had no choice but to divorce.

The protagonist is a gang of five, and everyone has different problems. They are not saints either, nor are they the white lotus Marisu who has a tall, rich, handsome and domineering president who will help settle everything. Fortunately, the script of "The Life of a Witty Doctor" is not worth it anytime, anywhere, filling the audience with chicken soup, educating the audience about truth, goodness and beauty, and condemning everyone's hearts. It's bad taste, on the contrary - it's comforting - the characters will curse irresponsible bosses, corrupt and selfish colleagues with the enemy during dinner parties; when they get along with each other, they are full of trash talk, and they will pull their hair when they are 40 years old. Fighting; originally happy to go to ktv, but ended up drinking and singing to the point of tears and hoarseness.

Stills of "Doctor Witty Life" / Of course, a sober person must be left to pay the bill and send others home

The title of the play "xxxx life" couldn't be more appropriate, it was talking about "life": not completely naked, but not so ideal, it is plump meat and wing steak with fat and thin uniformity. Someone's partner cheated, someone's family was broken, someone always encountered bad things at work, and some people's blows were a combination of the above three, but they also worked hard to cheer themselves up, support each other, and find the direction of life again. Thus learn to be gentle and kind to the ups and downs of life and life itself.

After all, this is your own life! Why not live well?

Yi Long used these words to rescue a middle-aged woman who lost her will to survive due to the blow of life.

In a story without a villain, the biggest enemy is yourself, of course you can pretend to work hard, but the ending is usually too lazy to act with you. Although there are a lot of bad things, and the fragile human body and mind can easily be crushed, the only one who can save you is yourself, so why not live a good, hard-working, and sincere life?

"Doctor Wise Life" stills / IMDb
"Doctor Wise Life" stills / IMDb

What is the job of a doctor? In addition to repairing damaged tissues and removing harmful proliferative structures on the operating table, when they unfortunately walk into the dead end of modern medicine, all they can do is to accompany the sick patients and their families, that's all. Jin Junhao (played by Zheng Jinghao) always tells his students, "The moment you give up the patient, you don't deserve to be a doctor!"

Five doctors, five different ways of getting along with patients, but in the same way, they are all good doctors, and they have established a connection between life and life in a way they are familiar with. If they are lucky, they will use a scalpel to say goodbye to the warm life on the cold operating table that there are no longer necessary things, and then tie the gaps with knots to build a new channel for life to continue; if unfortunate , they use themselves as a bridge to bear the tension, so that the life and soul that can no longer be continued can be healed in another way.

Healing others and self-healing at the same time, of course, you can cry, curse, be depressed, and sigh, you can also find friends to drink, karaoke (maybe it can speed up recovery), because it is a kind of emotional outlet, but after a short trough , Work hard to stand up and readjust your mentality, you are responsible for your own life, and only then can you take the flower road.

This is a medical drama, but also a professional drama, a life drama. They in the operating room may be you in the office; they in the patient may be us in life.

An inspirational and healing drama "Doctor Wise Life" that does not talk about inspiration and healing, have you been moved?


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YC一個醫學理科生,最浪漫的那種。 不相信星座,卻覺得自己正是所謂的雙子座。 電影、影集、詩書、音樂、飲食,裡面都有你我的人生,不想一起看看嗎?
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