
How many days can I get by with this busy day?

The little girl has been working on Xiaohongshu for the past two days. She has a group of "painting friends", and she will change her painting after getting a few likes on her comments. These two days have been very busy, staying at home as a painter.

Their rule is to post a piece of work by themselves, ask friends or themselves to point out the problem, and then the person who takes the order uploads the revised work and accepts praise or criticism in the comments. Also added friends to learn skills, but also to guide each other.

It's almost midnight and I'm still "working hard".

I said that painting for a month should make great progress.

Also, the more you draw, the more proficient you become, and something that requires your own skills requires practice.

This should be a lot of "orders", and the paintings one after another kept.


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

liumei好奇这世界的丰富 正在像儿童一样学习 很高兴认识你
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