"Plopplop love"-------waiting for the rain, waiting for you


After reading the ending, I immediately googled Jiang (Zhang) Yingshi and sorted out the introduction of Baidu Encyclopedia:

Jiang Yingsil (1383-1450) was a famous inventor during the Joseon Dynasty Sejong period. Jiang Yingshi is talented and intelligent, but from a humble background, he is a pariah. Born the son of an official prostitute, he was an official slave who didn't even know his father or date of birth. Although his status is humble, he has extraordinary talents in some aspects. He was promoted to the third rank in 1441 because of the production of rain gauges. However, in the second year, Sejong went to Icheon to take a hot spring to heal his illness, and he was dismissed from office because the "imperial car" supervised by Jiang Yingshi himself was damaged on the way. After that, Jiang Yingshi disappeared from the stage of history, and even the age of death could not be confirmed. Except for the glorious period of his invention, the rest of Jiang Yingshi's life is hard to find.

To be able to implant an unrelated character into a historical event and write it into a Korean-style small and fresh love story, you can imagine how big the screenwriter's brain is.

The reason why I recommend this drama is that first, it is a one-act short play, and the whole episode is only over two hours long. Second, the plot is easy and simple, which is very suitable for watching it under the covers on rainy weekends.

Next, I want to talk about what I like about this show.

(1) The image of water—the medium of passage and the nurturing of life

From the "bucket" ticking in the classroom, the heroine's "rainy day" as soon as she goes out, the "puddle" used for crossing, the ancient "begging for rain", and the heroine's name all contain the meaning of water (Dan Fei in It also means "rain" in Korean), and the omnipresent "water" can be said to be an important "prop" throughout the whole drama, which is very interesting and worthy of further study.

Water is a common form of literary expression. Since ancient times, water has been inextricably linked with the birth of life, the love between men and women, and so on. , the so-called Iraqi people are on the water side.”

Under the pressure of the college entrance examination, the heroine tried her best to escape from her original world. By chance, she jumped into a puddle and traveled to ancient times. It can be understood as "gestation" and "rebirth", and she obtained a new identity in a new world. It is Zhang Yingshi in history.

Water can become rain, snow, ice, and frost. It has a thousand shapes, but it is still water. Water seems to be weak, subordinate, indisputable, and tolerant, but in fact it is flexible and smooth, firm and gentle; Dan Fei was originally a person in the modern world. Even if she became Zhang Yingshi, she would still want to return to Zhang Danfei in the modern society. I never know what hard work is, I have no dreams and passions, but when the environment changes, I will try to live for myself.

With the help of the natural characteristics of water, a more profound literary connotation is extended, giving water a more profound literary connotation. The screenwriter chose "water" as the medium of crossing, as the window for the heroine to connect ancient times and modern times, and it is precisely this connotation that is cleverly used. At the same time, water has also become a symbol of the heroine.

(2) Deconstruction and reconstruction - King Sejong fell in love with female scumbags

Take a very simple example. Liu Xiaoling's version of "Journey to the West" is an unsurpassed classic in the hearts of generations. In this classic, Sun Wukong conquers demons and slays demons. He is omnipotent, and he is not greedy for women. Every image in "Journey to the West" is lifelike and can be called a classic. It was not until later that Zhou Xingchi's version of "Journey to the West" came out that we learned that Sun Wukong can also fall in love, and Tang Seng is also a chatter.

The process of breaking everyone's original conventional cognition and reshaping another classic image is the process of deconstructing the classic and reconstructing the classic.

"Plop Plop Love" also cleverly uses this principle. Zhang Yingshi turned into a third-year high school girl, and also talked about a vigorous love with King Sejong, which broke the audience's original cognition and made the audience accept this setting. It may not be called a classic, but it is also a novel and brain-opening setting. I personally think it is very interesting and fun.

(3) Time and space dialogue - echo before and after, the plot is complete

The two time-spaces of modern and ancient times have produced a lot of dialogue through the camera: the heroine has a strong hearing, so she can tell whose voice was when she was stabbed in ancient times; the heroine often went to Ktv, so in ancient times, she learned to dance with Piao’s horseback riding The heroine likes to eat ramen and fried rice cakes, so the school bag contains a secret artifact that confuses King Sejong and the empress; even the details of the math teacher's sore feet when it rains, also corresponds to the ancient time and space The eunuch teacher...

Every modern scene is setting up and burying a series of events that happened in ancient times, and every modern lens has its echoes of ancient times. The biggest stalk, of course, is that at the very beginning, the heroine and the hero met, which was a destined romance.

One of the reasons I like this drama is that the production team is very sincere. It does not mean that there are no bugs, but the logic must be tight. But I really like this kind of attitude of writing a simple story in a complete manner, without anticlimactic, without an arbitrary ending, which is really rare.

(4) Waiting for the rain, waiting for you

I started watching this show because I watched it for the main character. Because I have seen Yoon Doo Joon's "Let's Eat Together" and Kim Seul Ki's "My Ghost King". In fact, Jin Seqi is not beautiful, but his acting is very natural, and he plays Zhang Danfei very cute and natural; although Yin Doojun is the character of the king, when he threw away the triangular rice bag as a bomb, and trotted to sleep on the heroine's arm, he would always I think the strength is cute.

The plot is easy, the laughs are dense, and the biggest feature is Gao Tian, a good girl of King Sejong. Because of begging for rain, she captured the heroine from the modern age. With her high school level, the female scumbag solved the extraordinary problem in the eyes of King Sejong - the Pythagorean Theorem! ! From now on, look at the heroine with admiration! ! Since then, as the math teacher of King Sejong, the female bishop taught him numbers, and he developed a medical syllabus for agronomy, played football with him, developed love over time, and gradually fell in love with each other. The plot is old-fashioned to death, but sweet all the way.

But the whole show is full of positive energy and rebellious spirit

The process of two people falling in love is actually the process of two people's self-realization value. King Sejong wanted to create his own writing for North Korea, wanted to save the declining North Korea with scientific mathematics, and bravely resisted the old forces; Dan Fei did not have the courage to face the pressure of the college entrance examination, and did not really work hard to pass it once, and this time also Recover confidence and strength in the journey. They are complementary and mutually reinforcing.

And love spans two time and space, and is destined to fail. I don't know, King Sejong is thinking about the lonely back on the rainy beach, so I've been waiting not only for the long drought, but also for your appearance.


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