Learning Test Preparation Experience Sharing (1) Sharing of Exam Preparation Mentality Adjustment

Hi, I'm YC, and I'm currently a senior in the first class of the 108 syllabus. The school is near the Presidential Palace in Taiwan. This article and the following series want to share the content of the academic test that just ended in January. Due to the schedule of the 108 syllabus, in fact, I have not yet confirmed the university admission notice. At this moment at the end of April, I only know the score of my academic test and the schools and departments that passed the first order, but I don’t think the test results will affect this article. shared content. This article will share my exam preparation process, experience, work and rest, and mental adjustment.

Synopsis of the previous situation (I in the country)

To be honest, when I was in the first and second year of high school, I always felt that if I was killed, I didn’t want to take the exam, I wanted to study abroad, and leave this school system that always requires reading and exams. I hate exams, I hate studying for exams, I hate studying for exams. The immutable life is only reading, and reading is the feeling of everything in the world. Taking the exam once is enough for me. (When I took the exam, I was much more serious than when I took the exam XD)

From the second to the third country, it lasted for more than half a year. I woke up at 6 am to read, went out to exercise, had breakfast, went to the library to read, stayed until the library closed, went home and read a little book and then went to bed.

Now that I think about it, I admire myself at that time...I read, read and read every day, and I didn't feel tired... Won't I get tired, then tell me to take it easy)

But looking back, it may have been all kinds of serious study at that time, and some basics (?) were taken into account, so high school reading was not so painful, right? And maybe because of this, so I can enter Beiyi ^^

Therefore, I always feel conflicted. Should we encourage everyone to study seriously, or should it really not matter at all? I feel that entering Beiyi has allowed me to come into contact with many, many new things, network connections, various experiences and thoughts, which are very precious to me.

But when I got bored with studying for the exam and remembered the methods that supported me in continuing to study for the exam (such as posting a note in front of my desk, using my high school imagination to encourage myself, etc.) I'm sure it feels unbearable to look at. In fact, perhaps, those imaginations will only be inexplicable innocence in the end. Those methods no longer work during the academic test. Of course, my thoughts have changed so much, how can they still work? So when it came time to prepare for the exam, I didn't push myself to the hardest and most forceful state, and I also accepted my choice. (But maybe, for my state at the time, that was also the hardest)

When I was in middle school, I could probably say a hundred reasons to study hard and pass the exam, but now I think of it as unrealistic or funny reasons, but in high school, I couldn't say it, so the following is as a person. To some extent, people who reject the system, how do I view the inner process of academic tests and various small theaters?

A corner of the campus under the sunset

The five stages of grief?

We were in the second year of high school last year, and classes were suspended in May when we encountered the epidemic. Various activities were canceled one after another. For me, the only option left was to start studying and taking exams. Around March of last year, I began to slowly convince myself that I had to take the exam and I had to pull myself back into the production line a little bit.

However, after about five days of study, I began to look for the SAT question bank, and began to frantically search for foreign universities, wondering if there were any schools that were easier to get scholarships. After chatting, we can see that my heart has not stabilized. I think reading English is more advantageous to me than reading mathematics, and the difficulty of SAT mathematics is much worse than that of studying mathematics. I would rather spend my time reading mathematics on TTs such as English.

After chatting with the senior sister, I also spent some time rethinking, and adding the exam preparation (although it is said to be preparing for the exam, but it didn't take long at all, maybe half a year...) All kinds of time to reflect, I found that I was not in such a hurry. to go out.

A senior shared with me that the reason why he didn’t go abroad was because he felt that if he spent a lot of family resources and he couldn’t really determine his direction, he would feel more pressure and burden on himself, and I didn’t want to. I just want to go abroad to go abroad, maybe some places/countries close to Taiwan can apply for a look, but because I need 100% freedom of speech and thought, those places are not so attractive to me.

After clarifying that I also experienced some five stages of grief, in short, I obediently returned to the book.

Originally, it was also considered to use special material selection + academic test. But later, I didn’t use the application for special selection materials, because I felt that it was very competitive, the number of places was small, the academic test could not be completed quickly, and there were very few schools and departments that were really interested in studying with special selection materials. (If you still have time and plan to go to school, you can think about how to proceed as early as possible, where to study, what to study, why, and what method to use?)

To be honest, I should be very late to start preparing for the academic test very carefully (but this intention is only relative to my previous situation, and it may not be on the same level as other people’s intentions), but I also feel that at that time (ㄜ Probably the summer vacation is still I'll start school later) It's pretty good for me.

: The question of whether or not to study abroad is actually not a problem for me until the later stage of the academic test. Through a lot of reflection, I am more aware of what I want or don't want to do. I began to pay attention to, attach importance to and cherish Taiwan, I Everything I have at the moment is good. I want to see what else I can do in Taiwan, and I also feel that at this stage, Taiwan is very good to me. There are many connections and resources, and there are many things to try, so I finished the test. I also didn't apply for the foreign university I originally planned to try XD

I also shared some of my experience and adjustment methods at home after I upgraded to the third level.

I was actually super anxious at first, but I stayed at home anyway. I woke up at about 7 in the morning, watched yt videos, did morning meditation + morning yoga, then wrote a journal, recorded some things at will, and 8. After eating breakfast, I started to go to the first For a class, read your own stuff during class time, and then take a break with the end of the class.

my state of mind

I told myself that when preparing for the exam, in addition to the scores, I also wanted to learn various ways to relieve stress and recharge myself every day, try, reflect, and experience. I became interested in balancing my body and mind, and began to read related books and Listening to podcasts, I began to reflect myself in the past two years and the third year of high school, I noticed my differences, left some records, and I began to like how I was preparing for the exam. Every day is peaceful, happy and ridiculous :)

It's a pity, seeing that many people are under a lot of pressure, but they are not able to adjust, so I want to try and explore these important but often overlooked recharge methods.

When I was in middle school, I felt that as long as I wasn’t studying, I was wasting my time, so I can understand most of my peers. I started to adjust my mentality, and after reading some books like why I should sleep, I slept eight hours a day. (Is it too extravagant for students who take the test?), anyway, the book will never be finished, and convince yourself that sleep and rest are also a good way to keep moving forward peacefully :) (and when there is not a lot of time to read , reading will be more efficient XD)

You can try to ask yourself, apart from grades, what else do you want to experience, learn, and have through this stage?

After school started, time went faster and faster, and I began to hear that my classmates might say in a sad tone after the evening self-study that they would have been more serious before they knew it, and so on. My own thinking is, maybe so, but we always have There may be more pursuits, some things are satisfied, some will be ignored or given up. I have no regrets, I feel that I have worked hard and lived my high school life happily. I don't want to go back to any moment in the past, go back to read more books, or do more, but maybe there is a premise, because my high school life before the test never really let go of my grades completely. They are still reading (just more or less) (and maybe the middle school is more serious...? There are still some old books to eat...)

Reading Habits & Self-Cognition

It is also important to know your reading habits. I didn't attend Shufu, because I didn't attend classes at school, and I didn't participate in Shufu or Hanfu in middle school, but this is my personal study habit, I suggest everyone to know more about yourself~ Because of my self-discipline ability It should be considered relatively good. I like to arrange my own reading situation. When I was in school, I was almost always doing my own thing and reading my own progress.

In fact, I thought it was absurd when I first started in the third year of high school. I couldn't finish the exams. The teachers still taught the fifth book, and there were many strange classes, but I got used to it later :) (I know that I didn't The progress of the method and the review are well balanced, so in fact, in the third year of high school, I didn't spend a lot of time on the new progress, just to deal with it...) (There is no good or bad choice, it is more important to make the one that suits you~)

I will stay in the school for night self-study, and after that, there will be an oasis every day~~ Oasis is a snack station provided by Beiyi’s parents’ association to senior high school students every night. There are drinks, brewed drinks, cut and cut fruits and snacks. (Maybe it's a small cake, puff, sweet or spicy, or a small sandwich or something!) Everyone is really happy TTT

Then 9. After the self-study at night, I stopped reading when I went home. I wrote a small diary on my mobile phone on the MRT for about an hour. Then I went to bed around 11. I woke up the next day and took a ride to school (sleep 8 hours a day:)

Everyone's situation is different, don't make yourself nervous because you hear someone (again creating gods) say who should read when, that "boys" are explosive, and so on. Of course, these things may happen, but it has nothing to do with ourselves. He reads his and you read yours. Maybe at some point you seem to be competing for something, but in the end, we still have to make a decision for ourselves, which way to go Departments, what to do, and what to do are not just determined by grades.


In general, I think the most important thing during the whole test period is to have a calm mind.

Reading more and reading less is the second thing to me (at the beginning, I will list the progress and then I just remember what I have not read in the week and then read it every day. Haha), I will not finish it anyway, and I feel that I am studying. That's good...I don't have much expectations for myself, so I'm less nervous (although I'm still nervous until the last few days, but that's the last thing ㄌ)

You can read, live, and think calmly, remember to exercise and get enough sleep, eat well, and practice well, so that your physical energy and body and mind can have a good balance.

Allowing myself to rest when I can't take it anymore, I pay attention to my condition and pull myself back on the edge of burnout because it takes more effort to adjust if I cross that line. (I don’t know if you have any experience, but I worked hard for a few days, but when I couldn’t stand it, I put myself on the fake mobile phone for three days, and I still felt very tired after skating, etc. I will try my best to avoid that state. But of course, it's not bad if it's really like this, just adjust your state well.)

During the test, I adjusted my mentality so that I felt like a (some kind of unenlightened) monk xd (tweeted the book Think like a monk and the podcast of Super Soul Sunday)

Live in the moment and feel your current state, it doesn’t matter if it’s good or bad, you can start to like your life and feel very happy to live in a normal way :)

Don't give up your interest if the situation allows. Like me, I will go out for 10 days, watch the exhibition, go and hang out!

Good luck to everyone!

The whole series will be posted simultaneously on matter & instagram & medium :)


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