Science Internet/Science Internet Guide/Over the Wall/Over the Wall Guide


Scientific Internet access is what each of us is pursuing. If we want to completely achieve the purpose of scientific Internet access, scientific Internet access has become indispensable. Many people are curious about what software can be used to circumvent the wall. This article introduces it Storage, in the article will share the relevant content of circumvention software.

The tools and principles of scientific Internet access are almost the same. They all use the hoodwink network monitoring system to fabricate a virtual Internet address to achieve scientific Internet access. At the same time, this also means that if the virtual address is cracked, then the firewall software will face The risk of being walled, because the difference between good scientific Internet software and poor scientific Internet software lies in whether the means of deceiving the supervision system are clever. The recommended software in this article is good wall circumvention software, and you can eat it with confidence.

Tips: During the outbreak of the epidemic in 2020, the GFW system has become more stringent for scientific Internet access, and many free software have been defeated. The free software that can still be operated freely at present is nothing more than a strong background, while most of the paid software are still Standing firm.

1. Workers/individuals with huge demand for scientific Internet access.

We can call this kind of people professional wall-clivers. Regardless of the nature of their work, they are usually related to foreign countries, such as foreign trade salesmen, reporters, stock speculators, and online article carriers. Most of the personal use can be used for chasing stars, collecting learning materials, downloading videos from external networks and watching fans. For these people, surfing the Internet scientifically is as common as we usually use 4G to surf the Internet. If there is a situation where they fail to circumvent the wall, such people will usually scratch their heads and try to find a way to surf the Internet. Therefore, for professional-level scientific Internet users, the stability of the VPN is the most important, and the transmission speed of network information is also particularly important. The following recommended software is used for a long time by itself, and its performance in all aspects is very powerful. Stablize.

1.ExpressVPN: - the best scientific choice for surfing the Internet vpn

Advantages: The network information transmission speed is fast and the stability is high, and it can be copied and used even in sensitive periods.

Support users to refund for 30 days without reason, and you can log in to the official website without scientific surfing.

Disadvantages: The software interface does not have a Chinese version for the time being, but the webpage information is also simple, and the use is basically barrier-free.

Applicable to: All popular and unpopular computer systems on the market, iOS and Android mobile phone system users can use it, and the router can be used as one of the connection ports.

Price: RMB 48 per month, you can pay with Alipay and UnionPay bank cards.

ExpressVPN has gone through four or five springs, summers, autumns and winters since its establishment. It has its own nodes in the United Kingdom, Germany, France, China-Shanghai, China Taiwan, China Hong Kong and other regions. There are a total of eight nodes in total. Ten or so. At present, the fastest node of ExpressVPN's network information is Taiwan, China. This VPN can be used whether you are scientifically surfing the Internet overseas or returning to China. Although the web interface is in English, it is also very simple. The operation of the web page is also clear at a glance. worry.

2. NordVPN: The most loving and scientific Internet choice

Advantages: Product stability and speed of network transmission are the biggest highlights of this VPN. The bilingual interface in Chinese and English allows us to switch freely. If there is any problem within 30 days, we can ask the customer for a full refund.

Disadvantages : Not very friendly to MaciOS computer users.

Applicable to : mobile phone and computer system users of all systems, and can also be used in parallel with routers.

Price and Payment: The monthly fee is 30 RMB.

Website : You can go directly to the NordVPN official website without scientific surfing.

About NordVPN

NordVPN enjoys a very high reputation in the VPN market. It is suitable for all devices, but it is not recommended for users of MaciOS computer systems. MaciOS users can also use it as usual, but the stability of the network is lower than that of Windows users. Much less. The most outstanding feature of NordVPN is the Obfuscation function, which can confuse the public well, so as to better avoid the network information supervision system. I believe that in the near future, NordVPN will correct this problem of being unfriendly to MaciOS users, so as to make its market more stable and long-term.

3. VyprVPN: Stable and durable scientific Internet software

Advantages: The fast and sensitive network information transmission like 5G is also very stable.

Disadvantages: The current web interface does not have a Chinese version for the time being, and it is not very friendly to users who are not good at English.

Applicable to: all computer and mobile phone systems, and can also be connected to routers for everyone to connect and use.

Price and payment: The minimum monthly fee is 48 RMB. For specific fees, please refer to the package details on the official website.

Website: Search VyprVPN official website directly in Google Chrome.

Since its establishment, VyprVPN has been walking in the VPN market for many years with a steady attitude. So far, there has been no large-scale network instability. Even in the current special epidemic stage, VyprVPN can still surf the Internet in a normal and unimpeded manner. way to provide services to consumers. In order to make the user experience better, VyprVPN officially developed a Chameleon technology that specifically evades firewall searches. And it can also be used by five devices at the same time. If it is matched with a router, users connected to the current router can achieve the purpose of surfing the Internet scientifically.

4. PureVPN: The purest scientific Internet vpn

Advantages: You can surf the Internet scientifically to go overseas or go back to China over the wall. In addition, it can be used by five devices at the same time without affecting each other's Internet speed. You can enjoy a seven-day no-reason refund service.

Disadvantages: The software interface is in English, there is no Chinese version, and you need to go over the wall to visit the official website.

Applicable to: all computer and mobile phone systems, and can also be connected to routers for everyone to connect and use.

Price and payment: The price is super favorable, and the minimum package fee is only 18 yuan.

Website: You need to surf the Internet scientifically to reach the PureVPN official website for follow-up operations.

PureVPN's current domestic nodes are mainly distributed in Guangzhou, Tianjin, Shanghai, Nanjing, Beijing and other places, and overseas nodes are mainly distributed in the United States, Germany, the United Kingdom, France, Australia, Singapore, Austria and other regions. Whether you are abroad or at home, you can use this VPN to achieve the effect of network information barrier-free. When you use this VPN, even if you watch iQiyi's videos overseas, you can still feel as if you are still in China. The price of PureVPN is not only very low, but it can also support five devices to connect and use.

The second category: Those who occasionally surf the Internet scientifically can look at free or low-cost VPN software.

Occasionally, people who break through the wall are more accustomed to reading our major social networking sites in China. They are more inclined to transfer information from the external network to Chinese social networking sites, and then directly post them on sites such as Sina or Bilibili. From time to time, I am curious about science and go online to Instagram or Facebook to see the dynamics of my favorite stars. Consumers who don't often use VPNs can consider using cheaper or free software.

1. Blue Lantern Free Edition: Free well-known scientific Internet software

Advantages: You can achieve scientific Internet access without spending any fees.

Disadvantages: There is a certain traffic limit, the network transportation speed is relatively slow, and only about 800 megabytes can be used per month. Currently, it does not support Apple system users, but Windows and Android users are available.

Download address: You need to surf the Internet scientifically to browse the official website of Lantern.

Lantern has a professional version and a free version. The overall performance of the professional version is naturally very superior. Not only does it not have network traffic restrictions, but it can also support the use of five devices, but the professional version of Lantern can only Year-by-year purchases, no monthly fee packages. The free version of Lantern can only use 800 megabytes of normal traffic per month. When the traffic is used up, there will be a network speed limit, usually 3kb/s, and the refresh of the webpage will be slower. But for those who do not use it frequently, 800 megabytes is more than enough.

2. Psiphon: Chinese style scientific online choice

Advantages: One-click automatic connection to the current best node.

Disadvantages: The speed of the Internet is extremely unstable. Currently, it has been blocked in Fujian, and almost no one can use it to surf the Internet. Even if it is connected, Psiphon will automatically disconnect after a while.

Available for: Windows computers, Android phones and Android tablet users, does not support all Apple systems.

Download address: On the mirror website, you can download it directly without going online.

In fact, I prefer to classify Psiphon as a free VPN that I don’t recommend, because it feels too bad to me in general, especially extremely unstable. Sometimes it can automatically drop and reconnect three times within a minute. Even a person who doesn't often go over the wall can't stand this kind of instability, the connection is unstable, even if the subsequent network is fast, it won't help.

3. Tor: the choice for geeks to surf the Internet scientifically

Tor advantages: no flow limit.

Disadvantages: The transmission speed of the network is very slow, the connection is very unstable, it is extremely troublesome to use the settings for the first time, and the Tor Browser browser must be downloaded to run, and iPhone and iPad users are not supported.

Available for: iPhone, iPad users, all computers and mobile phone tablet users.

Download address: You can download the software from the Tor official website only after you have access to the Internet.

Tor has been created for a long time and has a relatively good product endorsement. Although it was blocked for a while due to improper operation of the operator, it has returned to normal at a very fast speed. Although there are still sutures in the wall , but there is no need to worry too much. You can use this software as a spare VPN. After all, you must not only have one VPN software on your mobile phone, but also have several more in case of emergency.

The third category: super-professional "geek circumvention software"

Such people are generally engaged in the computer industry. They are very clear about the operating rules of computers and network information. They prefer to be self-reliant, use some free nodes and build their own scientific Internet access system, which can not only protect personal Internet privacy information, and can also solve the problem in the first time when there is a network problem. We can call this kind of person a high-level player.


Advantages of Shadowsocks : The Chinese firewall is difficult to interfere with the operation of SS, and the speed is stable and fast.

Disadvantages: It is not friendly to Xiaobai, but it is very easy to use for experts, which is polarized.

Applicable to: All mobile phones and computer systems can be used, and can also be used with routers.

Chinese support : depends on the software.

Price and payment: The minimum cost per month is 35 yuan. The more specific price depends on your needs. You can use Alipay to pay directly.

Website: You need to surf the Internet scientifically before you can reach the official website of Shadowsocks.

Shadowsocks (Chinese name is Shadowsocks, for the convenience of calling, we can call it SS for short). Its existence can be said to be longer than VPN. It’s not well understood yet, I just feel that people who know how to control it are very powerful, and its stability and the probability of not being blocked are superior to VPNs. Therefore, many high-level players like this software very much. When building it, you must choose a suitable VPS location. It is best to choose an area near the sea, such as Japan or the address of St. Francis and Los Angeles. There are There are a lot of Shadowsocks Chinese tutorials, including the construction technology, interested readers can go to search to understand.


Advantages of V2Ray : The overall performance is superior to that of small aircraft, and it is difficult for the Chinese firewall to block it.

Disadvantages: Like ss, it is a polarized software, and the performance supported by the software is still not as good as that of Shadowsocks.

Available for : All mobile phones, tablets, computers and routers can be used.

Chinese support : depends on the specific connection software.

Price and payment : The minimum monthly fee is about RMB 35, and you can use Alipay and WeChat to pay.

Website: You must surf the Internet scientifically before you can reach the V2Ray official website.

V2Ray can be said to be a software based on Shadowsocks, but it is better than Shadowsocks. The overall performance is better and more complicated. If you are already familiar with Shadowsocks, don’t bother to try V2Ray. Its construction principle is similar to that of a small plane. , also need to choose the best vps, the price is similar in all aspects, but its update speed is faster than that of small planes, so the software support needs to be better improved.


Advantages of WireGuard: It is a new star player built and equipped with VPN, and the speed of the network is also very fast.

Disadvantages: Although it and the first two are among the best self-built VPNs, this one is more likely to be discovered and blocked by the Chinese firewall because the technology is not particularly mature enough.

Available for: All mobile phones, tablets, and computer systems can be used.

Chinese support: depends on the software.

Price and payment: RMB 35 per month, currently only Alipay payment method is supported.

Website: You need to surf the Internet scientifically before you can browse the official website of WireGuard.

WireGuard is a relatively new type of VPN protocol currently on the market. Compared with traditional VPN and advanced software such as SS, it is in the middle. It is more superior than ordinary VPN systems and runs faster, but it is not as good as SS. Come mature and stable. It still has developed a hidden function to confuse the Chinese firewall, but as a new product, the response in the market is still very good. I believe that service providers will dig deeper into WireGuard in the near future, so that It is better presented in front of us. If you are interested in this new type of software, you can search for related tutorials online.

Scientific online software summary:

This article is to list and share all kinds of wall-climbing software with superior responses on the market. There are many scientific online software on the market, but since I have no specific use at present, I do not recommend them. If you have used others Excellent scientific online software, you can also leave your comments in the comment area of the article, I hope everyone can have a green and healthy scientific online.


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