Hong Kong-made entertainment industry|I became a TVB artist (Part 1)

Since I was a child, I was like some people who liked watching TVB dramas. No, it is a degree of obsession. I would fantasize that I was the actor in the character, and I would fantasize about how cool it would be to have a shot of me in the opening sequence. thing.…

Since I was a child, I was like some people who liked watching TVB dramas. No, it is a degree of obsession. I would fantasize that I was the actor in the character, and I would fantasize about how cool it would be to have a shot of me in the opening sequence. thing.

When I was in the fifth and sixth year of high school, it was everyone's senior year. My star dream became stronger and stronger. The whole class knew that I was admitted to TVB's artist training class (that is, Stephen Chow, Fa Ge, Andy Lau, etc.) I was selected to enter this class. Every year, almost thousands of people sign up, and I can choose more than a dozen trainings. Only after graduation can I become a TVB artist.

Visit easy, overexcited becomes nervous 😑

I remember that the way I trained my acting skills was to suddenly act as a pervert in front of female classmates. I didn’t seem to have acted very much. I can’t remember why I like to be a pervert so much. When I was washing the dishes, I suddenly I imagine my family is gone and see if I can cry, but it turns out I can't, because at the time I was a happy, happy young man with no pain, and I wasn't a born actor.

It is rare to have the opportunity to take pictures with Doctor Strange. In fact, I only know that he is very famous. Everyone, you squeeze me, the matchmaker is not happy.

Maybe it’s my personality. My classmates like me very much. Some of them said with a smile that it’s hard to imagine seeing me on the cover of TVB Weekly. , If they say this, it means that they all think that I have the ability to become a star. I really didn't have a bad word, and I was very moved at that time.

I'm still on the set, it's a very difficult first photo, so many big stars

It didn’t take long for everyone to graduate, and I was admitted to the Polytechnic University. What about TVB’s dream, I didn’t think much about it at that time… Maybe I also felt that the TV station was too far away from me, which was a very unreal feeling, I even feel weird thinking about being an entertainer...

To be continued….

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