Recording my experience of life l work permit oolong incident (3)


This work permit oolong incident is one of the most absurd things I have encountered since I lived in Taiwan for ten years. Because I'm very likely to be caught by a government agency to get me out of the country. But because of this incident, I have deep feelings and experiences, and these feelings are extremely complicated, and I also want to clarify these thoughts one by one.

The mouth of a civil servant, a liar

It is my greatest feeling that the words of public servants cannot be completely trusted. The work permit organizer did not understand the situation at all, so they labelled my work as a psychologist at school as "illegal". This is a very serious and wrong accusation. And it also frightened the employer, who also decided that it was "illegal" to hire me and decided not to hire me anymore. The undertaker can't figure out the situation and the serious consequences, I don't think he can't figure it out at all!

Resignation will lead to the termination of the validity of my residence permit, so I have called the immigration office to ask how long it will take after resignation. The commissioner on the first call told me "about a week". But after the work permit incident, I have high doubts about what the officials of these government agencies say. So, I made another phone call the next day, but another commissioner told me, "No hurry, wait until I get the resignation certificate." Because I couldn't get a unified answer, I called again after a few minutes. Called. This time, a commissioner said, "It must be done within ten days."

This kind of erratic response is no problem. I mentioned to a commissioner on the phone later that I may not be able to get the resignation certificate in a short time, but I am worried that if it takes too long to apply for the extension of the residence permit, it will affect the my residency. The commissioner suggested that I can take the relevant supporting documents that were not stamped by the employer and go to the immigration office for registration. But when I actually went to the immigration office, I also reported the name of the commissioner. In the end, the director of the immigration office said that I must have a resignation certificate signed by the employer to help me apply for an extension.

There is no one standard. How to do it depends on the mood of the undertakers and their respective standards. That also means that our fate is completely betting on our own luck. When I meet a good commissioner, it's like smoking from the ancestral grave!

After this incident, I can't believe what the civil servants say anymore. But it's impossible for me not to get in touch with these people. When encountering such a controversial situation in the future, they will ask them to show me the regulations, so that I can have a little faith. My friends also suggested to me that in the future, I can write down their names, or even record them, so that when they want to deny or go back, they can present evidence to protect themselves.

I am also a taxpayer, but getting such a service quality, I am so angry!

The government's expat policy may also be just a dream

In recent years, Taiwan has made many adjustments to its foreign labor policy, and there are even signs of relaxation. It's just that the policy "appears" to be relaxed, but the actual situation is not the same at all.

When communicating with the staff of the Ministry of Labor, his tone was so bad. I feel super disrespected, and I also have a feeling of not being welcomed to Taiwan. That disdain tone was like telling me, "It's not that easy to stay in Taiwan!"

I do not deny that Taiwan's continuous improvement of foreign labor policies has goodwill. It's just that the subordinates who are incapable of implementing this goodwill, or the contractors who are full of malice towards foreigners, no matter how good or friendly the policy is, it is just an empty shell. Even if the policy is being improved quickly, if government personnel are dealing with foreign labor issues in an unfriendly manner, then the so-called "policy modification" is just a political operation. It is only used as a means of "achievement".

In the future, if there are any politicians shouting about Taiwan's foreign policy, such as how great the "New Southbound Policy" is, I will definitely complain vigorously.

Give your rational praise

In any case, the biggest victim of the incident must be me. The Ministry of Labor does not know the situation and what kind of punishment will not be imposed. The employer who was going to hire me at most only lost 500 yuan in work permit review fees. But I need to find a new job and bear the cost of no income and only my old money. And whether they can find a job is still unknown.

Even though I really wanted to get justice, and I "excessively hoped" that the undertaker would have to apologize to me, but after the whole thing was settled, I was still making my appeal rationally. I know that asking for an "apology" and asking for compensation has a high chance of returning empty-handed.

Even if you get an apology from the organizer, it doesn't make any sense. It's a fact that the job is gone, and I don't think the undertaker will apologize "sincerely". In addition, I have "concerned" through the legislator, and it is probably enough to let him know that foreigners are not that easy to mess with. Moreover, from an overall perspective, this is a structural problem. The neglect of the Ministry of Labor and the failure to revise the manual will prevent the contractors from being able to keep up-to-date information and make them confused about the situation.

So, when I started looking for legislators, I just wanted to make a legal petition to make sure that it was legal for me to work as a psychologist in the school. Later, I advocated that the Ministry of Labor should revise the examination manual and strengthen the education and training of the commissioners. This is probably the biggest purpose of my search for legislators this time!

Of course, I can actually file a claim with the employer, especially since we have signed a contract, and we can pass the work permit in the future. But what about getting compensation? I am also worried that I will be "hacked" in the industry, and the gains outweigh the losses. And before I was admitted and decided to work there, I was dismissed because the unit was a landmine. I also struggled with whether to report, but then I decided to go anyway because of other considerations. But I hope that this result is the embodiment of "how can you know if you lose your horse"!

I have to praise myself for my high EQ and clear logic, because I can make a claim or ask a media reporter to make a big deal out of it. Whether it is the undertaker or the employer, they should be grateful to meet a rational "victim" like me!

It's been almost a month since the incident happened today. This experience article can be regarded as an end to this ridiculous deed. Of course, after the incident, the process of being unemployed and looking for a job is another long story.

Finished on 2022.07.12


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