People taking pictures on the roof street after class


Once I had a whim, I wondered what it would be like to shoot from the top of the school building to the street on the ground. I have never used such a long distance to shoot on the street, so I brought a telephoto lens. When it was close to dusk, the class time for my classmates was straight. Go to the top of the building and start shooting.

It feels very special, like a flying camera, or God's perspective?

It's just that the wind on the top floor of Penghu is very strong in winter, and the camera shakes wildly, but you have to hold the handle tightly. The following are the photos taken, I hope you like it

girl at zebra crossing
Zebra crossing and dusk light
up and down arrow
waiting to cross the road
Cavaliers get into space

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JunPhotography以文字及照片記錄 街頭攝影 風景 生活的點點滴滴
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