【Pi Network Hong Kong】Important Announcement & My Little Brother's Personal Views on Pi Network

Recently, not many people have started to participate in Pi Network, but everyone has not paid attention to the top message of Telegram, so I will post it again at this time. In addition, there have been a lot of fraudulent projects recently, everyone should also pay attention to it, the details will be below, thank you!
important Notice

Pi Network Invitation Code: Edwin219

Pi Network Hong Kong Community Telegram: t.me/Pi_Network_HKG

This is my younger brother's Instagram ac: 9up.crypto

It is recommended that you go back to our post&story and start first. The entry covers fundamentals, tokenomics, Q&A, node rewards, white paper analysis, price analysis model, related risks, etc. I don’t see too many people doing enough for the time being. Let’s start first. participate.

Little brother instagram: 9up.crypto

Many people's misunderstanding of mining

A lot of people are still stuck on the understanding of the blockchain 3-5 years ago about mining , and a few days ago, some people asked if they would like to buy a mining machine to mine ETH. What I want to say is that ETH will be upgraded to 2.0, and the transition from proof of work (pow) to proof of stake (pos) means that it will not be possible to mine ETH through graphics cards in the future.

When I mention this, I want to say that the blockchain is progressing so fast that it is difficult for ordinary people to understand. If you are interested in learning about it, you can check it out online, about liquidity mining and ETH2.0 pledge . All of these are ways to obtain crypto, but no graphics card or computer computing power is needed, and the understanding behind Pi Network's mobile phone mining is even more complicated, anyway, the point is not the same as bitcoin Mining comparison, and even the second largest cryptocurrency ETH is about to upgrade and no longer use the method of proof of work to mine.

My take on Pi Network

Personally, I think that although Pi seems to be "free", it is actually a payment. The payment is due to the concern of the Pi community, and there are only a few who can stick to it. I will choose to stick to it for 5 years, because most people who play pi can only make a fortune after ff is on the mainnet. However, the vision of this project is long-term, and it takes time to build an ecosystem . It is recommended to carefully study what the pi core team has done in the past three years, and how difficult and hard they are doing, but unfortunately no one can see clearly, and even 8 out of 10 people who have bought crypto may have it. There is no serious in-depth understanding of the technology and operation principle of the blockchain, because those who really know it will see clearly that it is an air coin and it is not an air coin. And I know this because I will not only understand it from the perspective of knowledge, but even understand it from the user experience and the actual use of computers to run blockchain nodes .

In addition, I think Pi network has a natural selection mechanism (other coins have it, but Pi Network is more obvious). Even if there are people who participate in Pi Network, some people may quit the project soon because they are impatient and do not understand the vision of the core team of Pi Network. People who are optimistic about the core team will lock up for a relatively long time and percentage. In this design, people who stay low will be those with high consensus . They are the most important elements of ecological development. They are now The stage is free to pay for this project, and this is one of the reasons why I like this project so well. But in fact, this project is not suitable for everyone, especially the impatient people, because you will need to spend a little time every day to pay attention to this project, but if you feel patient, you can try to understand this project.

What is the Pi network?

Pi network is a free mining project that can be conducted through a mobile app. It was established in 2019 by a team of doctoral graduates from Stanford University. In the next 24 hours, Pi coins will be automatically earned every hour. Pi network has 33 million active users worldwide and is committed to becoming a widely used blockchain application platform.

Pi network is the first mobile mining platform on the market. It has successfully developed its own unique KYC identity authentication system to create KYC that can effectively protect user privacy based on the network characteristics of the blockchain. And through the invitation code Edwin219, you can get the bonus of mining rewards and an extra 1Pi. You can download it from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.

If you have any other questions, you can go to the Pi Network Hong Kong community Telegram group to ask questions

Pi Network mining advice

It is recommended to set a good alarm clock , so you don't need to check it all day, and disable the lightning button every 24 bells. So I won't forget it, and I won't feel 8 hours because of the miss, because there is no difference between missing 8 hours and mining speed -33% (8/24).

important Notice:

There are three ways to download Pi Network:

1. Apple app store 2. Google play store 3. Official pi network website

Pi App from other sources may be fake or poisonous. If you unfortunately enter your account information, it may be stolen. Please be careful! ! !

In addition, Pi does not have any pre-sale for all unofficial related projects. Please be careful. SpacePi and PiDAO have already appeared before. Please pay special attention.

Beware of Scam Announcements

Everyone should pay attention if you receive a message recently asking you to buy a mining machine, please be careful because ETH is about to upgrade to 2.0. The previous work has proved that pow will gradually transition to pos, which means that you will not be able to obtain ETH through mining in the future. bulk cargo

Information integration

Brother's personal website integration: linktr.ee/9up.crypto

Start your mobile mining diary: https://minepi.com/Edwin219

Use the invitation code to get a free Pi coin: Edwin219

Pi Network Hong Kong Community Telegram: Pi_Network_HKG

PS: In addition, thank you for your support to Little Brother & Pi Network! The number of Pi Network Hong Kong community Telegram has reached 280!

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