Community Activity Proposal | [The Song That Represents Me] Call for Papers


Hello fellow citizens of Matt,

"Is there such a song that you will gently hum along..."

Zhibai believes that whether your throat is kissed by an angel or pinched by a demon (I should belong to the latter XD), you will have heard some unforgettable songs more or less.

Sometimes we resonate with certain songs indescribably (well, that kind of "there's a lot of different versions of emotions that pop up when you hear them").

About two weeks ago, I saw the community activity proposed by @PoppelYang 丨The official version of the Bandcamp album recommendation activity

That's what got me thinking about a proposal - the song that represents me !

Yesterday, I also discussed with @后Frontline KMnese, and he also wants to hold a similar "rock song" text event. Since we all have a common consciousness, we decided to jointly organize this event together!

Note: I hope the participants can attach the complete lyrics of the song. If there is a video, the effect will be better~

Everyone has their own "Song of Life" | Source: KKBox

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Call for Papers: The Song That Represents Me

Call for Papers: All Matters community members

Event participation details:

  1. Please write an article of at least 200 words and tell everyone which song is the one that best represents me.
  2. Why did you choose this song? (Please describe how this song feels or defines you)
  3. Is there any part of this song that is forever lingering in your mind unforgettable?
  4. When you post, remember to include the hashtag #representing my song. (very important, very important, very important!!!)
  5. When you publish an article, remember to be sure to associate this campaign launch article. (very important, very important, very important!!!)
  6. Each Matt city citizen can only submit one article. If you exceed it, you will choose the one you published first as the entry.

During the activity:

This activity starts from the date of adoption to 2020.5.31.

Event Rewards:

  1. Distribution method: The event sponsorship funds provided by Matters will be calculated until 12:00 p.m. on May 31, 2020, and the top 20 with the most clapping will be divided equally.
  2. If the number of clapping hands exceeds 200+, the winner will be increased to 30 equal points!
  3. If there are other details, I will add them in the comments section below.

Please, all citizens of Matt City, clap your hands hard for this event article within these 24 hours👏, so that the prize money of this article call will be greatly increased, and give great feedback to all the authors who actively participated!

Sing the song that represents me and face my life bravely~


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

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