The emergence of the epidemic has subverted the world's operating order


The emergence of the epidemic in 2019-2020 upended the world's operating order, including the far-reaching US presidential election. I have read a lot of articles and listened to a lot of YouTube masters. This article is my written record of the complex world that is filled with smoke and difficult to distinguish between good and evil.

The world situation in 2020 is like a roller coaster ride with ups and downs. The pandemic started violently at the beginning of the year and spread to the world. Various places are still in lockdown and the shocking infection and death figures are still there. The US-China trade war is going back and forth with swords and swords. Hong Kong’s national security law has been implemented and Hong Kong people have continued to fight. , the US presidential election will be under the spotlight all over the world at the end of the year. The explosive news caused by the election is certainly dizzying, but the election results, no matter who sits on the presidential throne, give people a sense of division and opposition among ethnic groups in American society. The raging epidemic is very likely to disappear after the vaccine becomes available next year, but the fierce battle triggered by the election process and results has just begun.

Trump is certainly a controversial president, a high-maintenance boss and a temperamental occupant of the White House. So many years of dominance and commercial success have created his arrogant character. After becoming president in 2016, he would happily tell the media "fake news" and scold reporters if they didn't listen to the reports. Internally, he would disregard other people's faces and simply say "you are fired". Because he was a businessman, he always cared about the country's interests behind his back and offended traditional allies. He forgot about the West. The country regards the United States as the "leading brother" that defends collective interests and balances the forces of all parties. It has withdrawn from the TPP that was almost completed when Obama took power, withdrew from the Paris Environmental Agreement, and signed trade agreements with Canada and Mexico on its doorstep, etc. Trump went from a political amateur outside the circle into an environment of overt and covert strife, power and money transactions, coupled with overlapping political aura and shackles. It was like people often say that an angry bull broke into a china shop and wreaked havoc, offending everyone. There are a lot of people, and if you touch other people's cheese, there will be more.

In the past two or three decades, the social and international environment has been like a collision caused by the movement of plates under the earth's crust before an earthquake. These collisions finally brewed enough energy to explode to the ground in 2020, and the epicenter was this election. On one side are the Silicon Valley IT multinational dignitaries on the West Coast and the Wall Street financial elites on the East Coast, and on the other side are the people at the middle and lower levels of society. Because of the different industrial structure transformation and distribution of interest chains in the context of globalization, the two have different differences in social status, wealth, and life. The gap in resource distribution is getting wider and wider; another crisis is that different groups in society are divided due to the proliferation of "politically correct" discourse over the years. It is right to care for weak groups and ethnic minorities, but policies that go too far lead to the control of thought and freedom of speech. We can only accept the differences among ethnic groups. Pointing out the differences will become discrimination. If there is not enough ethnic diversity in the company, it will lead to criticism and so on. The BLM movement’s almost crazy torture of traditional values ​​is actually an extension of policy overreach. The problem of discrimination against black people has been faced by every president since the founding of the United States, including the previous black president Obama. On the other hand, what is more serious is of course the rapid expansion of online social media in recent years, resulting in the dominance of these few large companies that "whoever gets the Internet will win the world": Google, Facebook and Twitter. They have more than 100 million users, but they have the ultimate power to block accounts and label them, thereby influencing the direction of public opinion. The chain of interests, ideology, and the fact that they don’t want to face Trump, whom they despise, in the next four years have prompted them to join forces with the Democratic Party, traditional media, and Wall Street consortium to encircle Trump’s election this time, both internally and externally. Before the election, there was no follow-up on the email scandal involving the Bidens and his son, which led to misleading polls. However, the relevant reports during the Trump election seemed biased to anyone with a discerning eye.

If there had been no epidemic, Trump would have been in a fishing boat for the next four years of his second term. The stock market is rising steadily, the unemployment rate is at a new low, not to mention the U.S.-China economic and trade agreement that he has boasted about many times. However, the COVID-19 epidemic that spread from China at the beginning of the year caused a massive death toll and death toll inside and outside the White House. Issues such as whether the U.S.-China trade agreement can be implemented and the second phase of negotiations have become less important. But also because of these more than ten rounds of in-depth negotiations and the black swan of the epidemic, the image represented by the word "China" has gradually become clear: She is a world-owned factory, and its products are dumped in every corner of the United States, covering almost every country. The basic necessities, food, housing, and transportation of an American family are a huge market of 1.4 billion people with unlimited business opportunities. They are sending a large number of international students to the United States and bringing enough funds and personnel to American universities for scientific research and innovation. It is the second largest economy in the world. As a body, science and technology are developing at a rapid pace, and it is eager to catch up with the United States, its imaginary enemy. It is a source of large amounts of funds for real estate and corporate investment; but it is also a communist regime with 90 million party members, a country where the party controls everything . Its concept of a party-state is completely different from that of a multi-party democratic country. It is completely uninterested in the rotation of political parties and the transfer of power. Many students travel across the ocean to study. The open and free system of a democratic society hardly affects their loyalty to the party-state. Not to mention the United States’ nearly wishful thinking of “peaceful evolution” of this ancient Eastern empire. What's more, China has penetrated into every class of American society with its unique ideology in an all-round and silent way, and is trying to influence some policies of local and even federal governments. By piecing these small pieces of "China's image" together, the U.S. government and opposition parties have just clearly seen the big jigsaw puzzle of China during this epidemic. If former US President Richard Nixon opened the door to China in 1972 for the policy of "alliance with China and the Soviet Union", then this policy was both a success and a failure. The success was that the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, but the failure was that China has become a communist regime that is more difficult to deal with than the Soviet Union. The confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union at that time was only ideological, but today's United States and China, in addition to the ideological field, there are also competitions for the voice of international institutions, the upstream and downstream industrial production chains, environmental protection cooperation that affects the earth's ecology, and business exchanges. Wait, there is me in you, and your conjoined twins are in me. Regardless of whether the two countries can "decouple" at the economic level, the period of mutual hostility in the future is destined to be difficult and painful. At the same time, it can also be seen that Trump's difficulties are the "result" of the environment inside and outside the system over the years. Rather than the "cause" caused by his personal character flaws.

As this article is about to be completed, Trump is still fighting for his second term. He seeks to prosecute the fairness and impartiality of this election at the judicial level. This is also what the democratic Congress has given everyone participating in the election to prevent the election from being fraudulent and manipulated. The Democratic Party and the mainstream media, which have only one party of power, are cynically and ridiculing Trump at this time for making every effort to overturn the election results. This inevitably makes people think that these politicians are selfless and selfish. When all is said and done, no matter what the result is, Trump should also be evaluated in history like this: It was during his tenure that he reversed President Nixon's policy towards this ancient Chinese empire in the 1970s, from "contact" to Turn to "confrontation". Even if he cannot be re-elected, the era of "Trump policies" without Trump has begun.


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