Clouds by Zach Sobiech

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Mention Clouds by Zach Sobiech

Zach Sobiech

In 2012, 17-year-old Zach Sobiech was diagnosed with "osteosarcoma", a type of bone cancer more commonly found in children, and had only three months to live. He knew that his time was short, and in order to continue his dream of becoming a singer and musician, he wrote a light and inspirational song "Clouds" as a souvenir for all his relatives and friends.
Sobih, who lives in Minnesota, was diagnosed with osteosarcoma at age 14 and has had dozens of surgeries over the years, including a hip replacement and months of chemotherapy. However, the pain is not proportional to the efficacy, and the doctor finally announced that Sobihe may only have 3 months to 1 year of life left.

"The Cloud" says, "We'll come, come, come, but I'm going to fly a little higher. We'll go into the clouds together, because the view here is better. My dear, I'm on it." Soapy He's optimism guides the inspiration to compose this strong, positive and full of laughter song.

The family established the "Sobihe Osteosarcoma Foundation" for Sobihe. As long as you donate $20, you can get the album "Cloud", and the money will be used for research on osteosarcoma. It is known that 400 adolescents under the age of 20 develop osteosarcoma each year in the United States.

Looking at the sea of clouds in the video, you can also imagine flying higher and looking farther in Zach's lyrics

go and cherish

go forward boldly


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廢爸一個過了40歲的老小孩 家有2貓一女兒 用正面積極的態度面對生活 會把心裡的脆弱與負面想法表達出來 需要讓黑暗面消化掉
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