Human Graph Basics - Mind Center

Life Architect

Physiological Location:

Pineal gland. It is responsible for the pressure center that drives thinking and controls melatonin levels and sleep or wakefulness.

The meaning and function of the human graph:

There are only three channels in the center of the mind connected to the logical center, and then the energy is transmitted to the throat center through the logical center, and there is no channel connected to the dynamic center. This means that this center is not driven by "doing" , nor is it based on emotional experience and feeling. .

The center just wants to know things. People with a defined center of the mind tend to see things and people around them from an outsider's point of view. The way they get inspiration depends on which floodgates they open.

Gate 64: Confusion about the experience

Gate 61: Passionate about exploring the nature of everything, and wanting to understand the principles by which these things work.

Gate 63: Doubt about the developmental patterns or established patterns of people and things, try to understand what the principles of these patterns are.

When inspiration is obtained, it is handed over to the logical center, and the inspiration becomes a concept. But because there is no connection to the dynamic center, the resulting concept may not be able to be promoted or implemented in reality, so it is frustrating .

If the center of the mind in your human diagram is blank, it probably means:

  • When doing things, it is difficult to focus on one point, which makes the person easily distracted by other trivial matters .

Also, be mindful of mental and behavioral:

  • Since there is no constant and steady supply of energy for the mind center to function, they are constantly looking for a source of inspiration and inspiration to their hearts.

Of course, friends with a blank center of mind, you also have advantages:

  • If some highly sensitive people are more aware of the other party's thoughts in advance, they will cut off the connection before the other party throws out confusion and doubts.

If the center of your mind is filled with color, it means there is a fixed energy at work:

  • So the mind turns automatically, thinking about a lot of things, exploring and trying to figure things out to get inspiration or questions.
  • But because the mind is constantly busy, if the center does not have a channel to connect to the power center, it will easily lead to insomnia, headache or more serious neurasthenia due to overthinking.


- blank center:

1.) Keep a scrutiny perspective on an idea without having to put it into action right away

- Fill the center:

1.) If you want to put your inspiration into practice, you need to wait patiently for the opportunity,


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LA 28: 人類圖基礎-根輪中心
