2020-2021: The builder's life

Quintillian: "It is less to say the whole than to say everything"

Quintillian: "minus est tamen totum dicere quam omnia"

Recently, I have been attracted by this sentence. The English translation is roughly The whole is less than all the parts. Although it is not the original meaning of this sentence, I personally like to interpret this sentence as The whole is not all the parts.

In this series of articles, I hope to share with you the experience of engraving software with ideals, including how I learned programming from scratch, and now independently build a serverless system. And my reflections on the current entrepreneurial phenomenon.

In the process, I will also intersperse some thoughts on literature, and explore why I have come to the field of programming from a creator who has studied writing so much.

If you are interested in bi-directional note-taking software such as Roam research/Obsidian MD, frameworks such as Amplify/Graphql/Vue/Django/Tailwind, writers such as Haruki Murakami/Raymond Chandler/Fitzgerald, Hirokazu Koeda/Nolan/etc. If you are interested in novels such as the director, Chronicle of a Clockwork Bird/Shantalan/The Long Farewell/Plague, let’s chat.


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

EiffelFly以尋找解決當代重大議題如假消息、資訊爆炸等等的解決方案為己志,深受漢納鄂蘭、Rationalism和我的愛人 Lucy 的影響。 目前正獨自撰寫內容管理與分享系統 TotusLink The Builder's life 連載中
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The builder's life - Pnyx announcement

The Builder's life #2: 撰寫程式、創作與火車月台

The builder's life:我舉起右手然後說