Walking Evening News: The actresses countered Sean Penn's "sex drama theory"

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0812 Evening News

Good night,

Errata: I apologize for misrepresenting British actor Sean Bean as American actor Sean Penn in the title of this article.

Today is Chinese New Year’s Day, and ZOZO specially invited Zhang Yuxuan, the founder of “ Talking about Iran ”, to share several ghost legends that have been circulating in Iran for a long time. What kind of story is depicted in the picture below? Click on the article link to know 👇

Although there is no ghost moon custom in Iran, and the outside world also has the impression of "unspoken, strange and chaotic" in Islamic countries, these ghost stories are actually "elf stories", which not only reflect the humanities and people's sentiments of Iranian society, but also know from supernatural legends. A different view of life and death/ghosts from Taiwan, I hope readers will like to share the occasion of walking around!

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Global Hotspot

According to new research released by the Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI), the surrounding Arctic has been warming four times faster than the rest of the planet over the past few decades, much faster than previous climate models had projected.

The phenomenon, known as "Arctic amplification," is caused by greenhouse gas emissions from the burning of fossil fuels, and more heat absorbed by seawater as sea ice melts.

out of gender

Malaysia's federal criminal law stipulates that oral sex and anal sex are punishable by up to 20 years in prison, and are all accompanied by caning, and states have also enacted Sharia law (sharia) to criminalize same-sex sexual conduct, citing the prohibition of "masculine disguise as a woman". The statute penalizes gender nonconformity.

The international organization Human Rights Watch and Justice for Sisters spent four years interviewing 73 Malaysian LGBT people, as well as lawyers, journalists, human rights workers and other people from all walks of life, and released a report on the 10th, pointing out that the Anti-LGBT discrimination measures supported by the Malaysian authorities include banning LGBT-inspired films and TV shows, prohibiting activities and classes promoting LGBT rights, and even holding “rehabilitation” (mukhayyam) camps aimed at “correcting” or “cure” LGBT people by the government. , calling on the Malaysian government to decriminalize same-sex sexual activity and gender diversity and to stop various "reversal measures".

I can't just see

When it comes to the sculptures of ancient Greece and Rome, do you also think of pure white marble figures in your hearts? The exhibition " Chroma ", now on view at The Met in New York, will subvert your long-standing perceptions.

Looking around the exhibition room, I can see that the sculptures are painted with bright colors and colorful patterns, trying to restore their original appearance a thousand years ago, and some quite "subtle" color matching has also caused discussion. Curator Seán Hemingway explained that these statues were usually placed in temples or memorial halls at that time, and the colors helped people understand the people and myths behind the sculptures; in addition, many sculptures were located outdoors, and artisans had to paint them. Go for brighter colors, as they become softer after fading.

Quote of the Day

"And no, you can't just let it flow."

In recent years, it has become more common for the European and American film and television industries to introduce intimacy coordinators to arrange sex scenes or filming involving intimate plots. However, British actor Sean Bean said in an interview recently that he has reservations about this. , that the coordinator's technical guidance destroyed the "natural" chemical reaction of the sex scene, and a number of actresses refuted the statement .

British actress Emma Thompson, who can write and act, emphasizes that the presence of intimacy coordinators on set is "very important", allowing many people to feel safe and comfortable. British actress Jameela Jamil of The Good Place said: "[The sex scene] is like a stunt, the actor's job is to make it look unplayed, and no one wants an impromptu stroking."

British actor Sean Bean in the movie "A Song of Ice and Fire: Game of Thrones". (AP)

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