How annoying Little Pink is, do they know it?


In the past year, I was surprised to find that this inexplicable creature like Little Pink has spread all over the Chinese circle.

At first, I thought Little Pink was equivalent to the 50 cents party, like a computer virus that can only survive in the online world, until they invaded my work circle, friends circle, and even life circle without knowing it, which made me feel overwhelmed. its disturbing

When I say little pink, I refer to people who " blindly guard the regime and firmly believe that our party is the only truth standard in the universe. " If you are not, please do not take the right seat. In my eyes, the word " blind " is the key. Those people who love the country and the Party from the bottom of their hearts, who come out of their hearts, and who clearly understand why they love the Party (if any), not only do I not hate them, but I admire them.

I am definitely not targeting mainlanders, because I have worked and lived in the mainland for a long time, and more than 90% of the mainland friends I know can communicate and communicate normally, whether they support or oppose the government's measures, they are also Able to present positive and negative arguments calmly.

The reason why I was surprised is that the Hong Kong and Taiwan, as well as the little pinks in Europe and America, that I saw and knew, turned out to be much more than I imagined!

Photo by Danny Wage on Unsplash

These " overseas little pinks " ("overseas" refers to outside the mainland, don't accuse me of splitting the country) are not necessarily low-income and low-educated: many of my junior high school and high school old classmates went to universities that were better than mine Many, even as lawyers, auditors and other professionals, still can't prevent them from getting pink poison. Of course, it is not excluded that they are vested interests of the establishment, and the subtext of "protecting national interests" is that "the country safeguards their personal interests ."

Not necessarily someone who lives in a Chinese area: I have an old colleague who has been married to the Netherlands for more than ten years. While breathing the free air, he hugged his half-race son, and left messages on Lam Cheng FB to support her again and again... This kind of person disgusts me from the bottom of my heart. She enjoys the environment, welfare and human rights of one of the freest countries in the world. She keeps her elderly parents in Hong Kong, but she hopes that the government and the police will take action on the grounds of "worrying about their parents' safety". "Appropriate action"... Similar remarks were also heard by a middle school classmate who had immigrated to Singapore to become a doctor in the 8A exam that year. He firmly believes that any form of protest will not cause anything but "disturbing society". effect.

People who have long left Hong Kong and only get information about Hong Kong from FB and CCTVB, where did their idea of "maintaining stability" come from?

Why is little pink annoying?

Little pink is a relatively general term. Although the source of it can be found on the Internet, in practical applications, how different is it from Lansi, patriotic thieves, fifty cents, self-made five, etc., most people should I can't figure it out, so let's use the word "little pink" to refer to this kind of people.

Regardless of their educational age and income, the most annoying thing about little pinks is that they don't know how annoying they are——

Actively promote "truth"

Like religious fanatics, MLM downline, and new insurance brokers , they are always eager to sell their beliefs to you, and they are " colorblind " to " face " - no matter how embarrassed others are, they still have a brain Forcing you to Buy his set.

Little Pink, who understands the national conditions and has a little knowledge, will use a face that " sees the truth of the world " and " correct your misunderstandings " in a tone of " you don't know something, young people ", and repost it no less than once a day around the world Articles and videos in which scholars (especially foreigners) affirm and even praise our country's science and technology, economic development, etc., to prove that our country is not as worthless as you say. While you were blinded by "negative news", China has quietly climbed to the top of the world first...

They "provide evidence" with a seemingly equal and fair attitude, but they are always reluctant to listen to you: I have never said that the country has no merits, nor have I denied those merits that can really improve people's livelihood. Opinions or criticisms against a country are aimed at the country's shortcomings . No matter how many advantages you present, the shortcomings will not disappear.

Just like when a wife kindly raised her husband's bad breath and asked him to pay more attention to his hygiene and health, the husband just kept talking about him and kept saying that he worked hard to earn money to support his family.

Those who don’t understand the national conditions, especially the little pinks from overseas, because they can’t tell any big truth, they will repost KOL articles they believe in, or fake news from unknown sources, and the “domineering response” of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs no less than once a day. , Dao Ting Tu's "myth of a mighty country", great inventions beyond the limits of physics, etc. For example, an old classmate of mine who was a CFO in a listed company said that the speed of the high-speed rail can reach 1,800 kilometers per hour in five years, and it only takes more than an hour to travel from Beijing to Hong Kong!

And one of the most shocking statements I have ever heard is that our missiles Americans cannot defend themselves. Because of the time difference, the missiles launched today will arrive yesterday in American time! Are you dead?

There are quite a few of the above two types of people around me. Although they are not as terrifying as the "wolf warriors" who are everywhere and all-pervasive, they are a potential ticking time bomb.

Unpredictable red line

You don't know when you say something in the group that contradicts their beliefs, they will suddenly have a sudden attack, and they will be furious and threaten the group owner to kick you out of the group; Since then, they have never been in contact with each other.

Plus, you never know where their red line is drawn, so you don't know how to avoid stepping on it...

Say "immigrate to Taiwan" and they immediately correct you that Taiwan is not a country.
Mention "democracy and freedom," and they immediately question you as a traitor, American dog traitor, instead of asking themselves why democracy and freedom are one of the core values of socialism. Don't think about it, the concept of democracy did not originate in the United States at all; let alone think about why it is not a foreigner to believe in communism from Germany and developed in the Soviet Union?

I don't know if it's ignorance or intentional. They equate "Chinese culture" with "uniformity" and then with "heaven, the world, and the earth are the only ones", so people did not add the word "China" before Taiwan, and put a flag of the Republic of China at the beginning of the film. , The map of China on the T-shirt lacked Hong Kong and Taiwan, set Hong Kong and Taiwan as independent options on the website, retweeted the phrase "support Hong Kong", and even ate Pizza with chopsticks... all were characterized as "Insulting China" and asking for an apology, if you don't apologize, don't touch my RMB again!

If things go on like this, sooner or later, even using Hong Kong dollars and Taiwan dollars, adding 852 or 886 to the front of calls, and opening international roaming to Hong Kong and Taiwan will all become "humiliating" behaviors.

They are always in a combat state where they want to take you out of the bottom line and allow no room for discussion, so I always thought that Little Pink was the meaning of the low-profile version of the Red Guard .

Of course, when the little pinks see this, they will definitely make their ultimate killing: what have you done to the country? What qualifications are there to criticize? You Can You Up!

They never know that their dislike lies in being illogical . When people say A, they say B, which turns a topic that could have been discussed well into a binary opposition of black and white, which quickly elevates your emotions and makes you disgusted. and disgust.

They think they are patriotic, but their words and deeds are just the opposite. In addition to disgusting rational people, they also make people highly puzzled - what kind of stimulation did they get to give birth to this one-sided and biased love?


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