Thirty, thunderbolt


Inside a car in an off-street parking bay,
"Before someone discovers the installed wireless access point (WAP) device, they must find a way to invade their company's network," Lieutenant Li said to Team Leader Yan, turning on his laptop.

This WAP device is actually a conversion transmitter that can convert a wired network into a wireless one. Therefore, Lieutenant Li, who returned to the car, can use the high-efficiency positioning antenna on the car to connect to the WAP, so that the car can be connected to the WAP. You can connect to the company's network by using a portable laptop on your computer. Because of the previous experience of attacking this company from the external network, Lieutenant Li was very aware of all the network address (IP) distribution points of the company, so he began to scan some network addresses to check whether there are still unrepaired ones one by one. vulnerabilities, or network devices that are still unmodified and still using factory defaults.

Although the information security experts have been painstakingly appealing to the public to purchase new network equipment, the default login account and password values from the factory must be remembered to be changed. But the fact is beyond everyone's surprise, even the simplest default login account (admin) and password (admin) still exist under the omission of some careless network administrators. However, this luck did not come today, and Lieutenant Li did not make progress in this attempt.

After trying the paths of all parties, Lieutenant Li could only find the only opportunity to connect to the company's network, which is the wireless network login that the company opens to visitors. Although it also requires password input, most companies save trouble. Mostly set the company's main contact phone number as a password. Good luck! Even if this pass is passed, this guest network still belongs to the external network system, that is, Lieutenant Li returned to the previous situation of attacking from the external network, and the conclusion is still that it cannot be broken.

Lieutenant Li briefly talked to Team Leader Yan and indicated that today's attack mission should have failed. "I need to re-enter their company later and retrieve the installed WAP. Please ask the team leader to do me a favor."

After briefly explaining to Team Leader Yan, Lieutenant Li returned to the building again, because he already knew that the elevator had access control. This time, he greeted the security personnel generously and warmly, and went straight up the stairs to the second floor.

Also at the gate of the company, the switchboard pressed the reed switch of the gate after seeing Lieutenant Li coming again. Lieutenant Li just walked in when he said with a flustered face, "Sorry it's me again. I was in a panic just now. I dropped my important documents here. Is it convenient for me to find it?"

Before waiting for the switchboard staff to speak, Team Leader Yan, who had already calculated the time, dialed the company switchboard from outside, deliberately looking for some irrelevant questions, so that the switchboard staff were busy answering. Seeing that Lieutenant Li was standing in front of him waiting, but was entangled by the question on the other end of the phone, he waved his hand and let Lieutenant Li go in and find the document he just dropped. Of course, this is just Lieutenant Li's acting skills. He quickly came to the position just placed, unplugged the WAP cable from the network interface, picked up the envelope bag that had just been left on purpose, and prepared to evacuate.

Just as he was about to leave, he found that in the opposite direction from the exit, someone happened to walk out of a room, which seemed to be a very important place. The reason was that Lieutenant Li actually saw that the one who had a relationship and who had previously bid. The magical access control device that Manager Zhongwang took him to visit, IQ2020!

"Is IQ2020 real?"

"Isn't it just a magical tool that Manager Wang used to deceive himself?"

"Or is it just dazzling today, wrong?"

At this moment, Lieutenant Li suddenly had strong emotions flooding into his heart, and the little memories from the previous tenders flashed before his eyes quickly again. It went up and down, but what Lieutenant Li did not notice was that he was slowly walking towards the direction of IQ2020.

Suddenly, the IQ2020 rang the alarm bell, along with other emergency devices within the company, making a loud noise.

Before Lieutenant Li came back to his senses, the switchboard at the door and the company's administrative staff had all rushed out, surrounded Lieutenant Li, and some people tried to call the police. Seeing that something was wrong, Lieutenant Li hurriedly took out his identity certificate, and hurriedly used his mobile phone to contact Team Leader Yan to come over to explain.

A few minutes later, in the conference room, Lieutenant Li was still thinking for a long time. He was trying his best to rethink what happened in the last tender. If IQ2020 really existed, then in the cafe that day, Manager Wang said to himself: "We are sincerely looking forward to being adopted by the logistics department, because we are very confident in this product." If Manager Wang is telling the truth, what went wrong with the previous reasoning? Or where to fix?

While Lieutenant Li was still in a trance, Team Leader Yan was very embarrassed and apologized to the company's top management, and said, in fact, this is also one of the test items, but the penetration test can't be said first, so that the real To measure the strength of the contestants and so on... Fortunately, the tension in the original atmosphere seemed to be transformed into a great appreciation for the company because they effectively detected the intruder. In a relaxed atmosphere, those present also praised Lieutenant Li for his good acting skills, and that he could act in dramas... and so on.

Before leaving, the two sides signed a simple memorandum, and the team leader agreed to the results of today's penetration test, which is an effective and successful defense for the manufacturer, but whether the final bid is won or not depends on other test projects. And, before the release of the summary test, neither party is allowed to disclose any details of today, so as not to affect the ongoing test.

Lieutenant Li never imagined that today's penetration test would end with such an outcome, especially when we see IQ2020 again. Although there are thousands of unknowns, because the test has failed, we can only go home.

Before leaving the company, Lieutenant Li made a request to see the disk drive that was escrowed and protected and contained confidential information. When I was taken to the computer room and saw this disk drive protected by layers of security, my uneasy mood finally eased a little today.

In the following time, Lieutenant Li had a clearer understanding of IQ2020. It turns out that IQ2020 really exists, but it has not been mass-produced yet. It is still in the final test of relevant units. The improved and upgraded version encountered this time, in addition to retaining the spirit of the original detectives, even increased the sensitivity. Therefore, even if Lieutenant Li was still ten meters away, he was found to be uneasy. The artificial intelligence of IQ2020 detected that this person was an illegal intruder with destructive intentions, and issued a warning in advance.

It seems that Manager Wang was speaking the truth in the cafe, but then due to some factors, he was forced to take a different path in the last tender case.
(For details, see Attachment 2, Manager Wang's struggle)


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