College Life|On/Off Campus


It’s been 7 months since I graduated from college, and I often talk about “when I was in college…”. Remain in the cave, but also take away the skills that need to be paralleled with it, and then roam in another cave.

In response to @白太's nonsense I think I can open another article to let more people have a comprehensive understanding of the school and the department, so I chose a few of them to answer.

▲What do you usually do besides studying?

When I was a sophomore, I joined the school's independent magazine (which has been discontinued), joined the coffee research club for a short time, and also served as the school baseball manager. It seems that Zero has always had a lot of experience. But what really lasted and took up most of my time was two things, one was working part-time at noon and evening, and the other was running a journal by myself, which almost filled my college life, although half Time is spent in procrastination and self-entanglement, but it has changed my life to some extent.

The reason for investing in the production of the publication is that I have no other skills. I seem to be able to write a little bit, like to take pictures, and have a little concept of typesetting, so at that time, the youngster of this publication was born with the help of the first mysterious cross-disciplinary course launched by the school. type, and let me not announce the title of the publication first, and continue to tell this plain and profound story.

The core concept of this publication was still in chaos when I graduated and left, people who participated in the middle came and went, and spent a lot of time trying to figure out the purpose of making such a publication as a college student. , The discussion and thinking did not lead to a clear and specific goal. After the first issue was published, I continued to invest in it. Before graduation, a total of 3 issues were issued, which is equivalent to the progress of one issue a year. Due to the needs of content production, it is necessary to run out frequently. It is said that it is for interviewing and collecting materials. Many times are not on campus. It takes at least half an hour to ride a bicycle from the school to the visiting location. Changes in settings or the inability to boldly strike up a conversation with interviewees didn't seem to have gotten the hang of it until the second issue was finished.

The name of the publication is "Gengxin News". At first glance, it should be impossible to guess what it is writing. To be honest, this publication is quite lengthy to start from the beginning, so let's throw out his brief introduction:

The local publication based on Taoyuan Xinwu hopes to disturb the place through writing on the ground, continue to pay attention to people and things in the local area, and try to understand the new house in different aspects through various modes. The care is not limited to words but deeply cultivated in the heart.

In short, she is a local publication, with a specific area as the main axis, and most of the writing content revolves around this area. For example, "02 Micro Market" talks about various interesting vendors and ecology in the market, "03 is not acclimatized" It is about an important but important issue of farmland and irrigation that most people do not care about. He is currently a free publication. If you are interested, you can leave your contact information, but you need to pay for the postage.

Issues 01 and 02 are uploaded to issuu for trial reading:, and you can also search Facebook! Currently, it is school girls who are supporting this shaky organization.

painstaking work
Graduation masterpiece

▼ Do you think the college experience helped you to go out to social work?

Whether it's what you've learned in the department or your extracurricular investment, it's actually indirectly contributed to the work you're doing now. Of course, I think it depends on how you view the so-called help at work. It can be subdivided into substantive skills and abstract mentality and concepts. In the modern age of education commercialization, how to measure the scale is always confusing. I would like to keep this question for now and go into it in another article introducing the department.

As far as my journal editing experience is concerned, because I have had experience, I will definitely know how to deal with it next time I encounter it. Many devils are hidden in the details. Doing middle school and wrong middle school is the greatest luck when you are studying. The society’s tolerance for making mistakes has been greatly reduced. With the blessing of past experience, I got started relatively quickly with my first job. Although there are still many new knowledge and learning, there are also many things that I have been avoiding all along. Finally have to face it.

▲ What was the happiest thing about your university life?

There is no way to have only one most. I am very happy with many things, I have opened up new horizons, met different people, met professors who teach seriously, have good roommates (and have lived in a dormitory for four years), take a walk on campus after dinner, and work in a restaurant with excellent food. Eating, in retrospect, it was plain but very happy.

▲ Do you regret anything you didn’t do in college?

Learn Japanese, or something I wish I had started earlier. I only started the class last semester and I met a Japanese teacher who taught very seriously, but the fate with him was very short-lived. I felt that I was a learner who needed motivation and supervision very much. That teacher really did a good job of my Japanese learning. Good foundation, if I start the class earlier, I will make a big leap in my level now! (At present, I am too lazy because of self-study)

▲ Do you like high school or college?

University without a doubt. Life in high school is a bit too simple, so simple that I occasionally don't know what I did and learned in those three years. (except societies)

▲ If you were to say a few words to current college students, what would you say?

If you discover yourself more and spend more time with yourself, you can realize what you don’t want, which seems easier than what you want to do and what you want to be.

Thank you for the activity of ​@白太的 Nonsense for allowing me to write and share, and wish you a smooth university life here. There will be another article if I have a successful victory over the slacker.


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