Yokohama Nissin Ramen Museum and the 2019 Yokohama Music Festival


2019 Japan Travel Instant Noodles Instant Noodles Instant Noodles! ! ! Accidentally found this Nissin Instant Noodles Museum (Hey Taste Memorial Museum - Ando Momofuku Invention Memorial Museum) and wanted to visit it, so I reported to Yokohama again the next day.

Within ten minutes of opening the door, the entire ticket hall was already full of people, and the embossed instant noodle cup above the entrance is also a work of art! After buying the tickets, we first went to the exhibition area to see the historical evolution of the entire instant noodles.

And instant noodles from all over the world! Wow~ It turns out that there are very few types of instant noodles I have eaten...

First go to the cup noodle workshop upstairs to get a reservation ticket, and then continue to visit the whole museum. I originally wanted to participate in the chicken soup ramen workshop that starts with noodles, but this activity needs to be reserved in advance. The itinerary was decided, and the reservation was already full.

Go to the next place, omg! This is a children's amusement park, a super-large instant noodle factory. A group of children rushed into the amusement facilities like instant noodles to experience the process from noodle making to the factory, and finally slide out from the conveyor belt surrounded by cardboard boxes. , to end this fun trip.

There is still a while before the scheduled time of the Cup Noodle Workshop. I decided to go to the food street to have something to eat first. When I was queuing to enter the food street, I saw a billboard saying "The number of mystery meat bowls is limited". Pay attention.

After eating, this is a rice bowl with instant noodles and dried meat. It has a wonderful taste and texture. Fortunately, it is a small bowl to try the taste. If the bowl is too large, I really don't know if I can eat it. Finish. In addition to this, I also ordered a bowl of Yuanzu chicken soup ramen,'s instant noodles, haha~

After having some appetizers, it was almost time to participate in the workshop. Follow the guide to queue up to hand over our reservation tickets, first go to the vending machine to buy cups, and then continue to line up and wait for the empty seats to sit down and draw your own cup noodles.

Now that I'm in Tokyo, I draw the Tokyo landmarks we've been to on the cup surface.

On the other side, I painted my wife's favorite rummy rice, and when we were all done, we went to line up to load the noodles and seasonings.

In addition to the prawns and crab sticks, I opted for the small chicken slices, always in need of a classic.

After finishing our own instant noodles, it is always fun to try out different flavors at the food court!

Great museum! Worth a visit~

On the way back, I passed the public performance of the Yokohama Music Festival. I liked to join in the fun and I stopped and listened immediately. The group performing was the Maritime Self-Defense Force-Yokosuka Omura Team. The repertoires were not very familiar at first, but the third one was my very own. Familiar Song - One Piece's "We are! ~ We go!" Suite

The live version of the performance is really exciting~ The conductor also turned around and interacted with us, clapping and playing the rhythm together, ah~ awesome! ! It seems that someone sings this song automatically, as if there is more than just the melody.

The next fourth song was sung. I only understood the whole song "Ka Mo Mei". The Taiwanese seagull is called "Ka Mo Mei". It should be a song about seagulls~ Haha (in I actually found a video of the whole day on Youtube. While typing this text, I recalled the music at that time! )

I went back to Tokyo in the evening and decided to cook some good ingredients myself. I ate too much instant noodles for lunch. I changed to a small hot pot at home in the evening. I bought a convenient soup base and some ingredients at the supermarket. Another awesome day!

The original text was simultaneously published on: Ohhiyo@Blogger


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