European League of Nations "Spain 1-1 Portugal, the outpost of the 2022 World Cup, who is the future of the Armada?

2023WBC 世界棒球經典賽
The third UEFA Nations League kicked off, the first round was staged, Portugal drew 1-1 with Spain, and since the 2022 World Cup is approaching at the end of the year, many national teams have regarded this as the 2022 World Cup outpost, and launched a series of big games. During training, Armada Spain scored 25 points in the first half of the game by Morata, but was tied by Portuguese substitute Horta in the second half 82 minutes. The key revealed the biggest problem facing Spain now.
European League of Nations "Spain 1-1 Portugal, the outpost of the 2022 World Cup, who is the future of the Armada?

Further reading:

Italy 1-3 Argentina "South America-European Champions Cup"

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After a generational change of blood, will the Armada sail again?

Known for their signature style of play, the 'tiki taka', the Spanish national football team has dominated UEFA Cup and FIFA World Cup competitions over the years, which has certainly proven its prowess in the game. From the 2008 European Cup, the 2010 World Cup, and the 2012 European Cup, we can see the establishment of the Spanish football dynasty, but like teams all over the world, the withering of the golden generation and the fixed lineup made it difficult for newcomers to continue the great dynasty.

Armada Spain was eliminated in the 2014 World Cup group stage, the 2016 European Cup round of 16, and the 2018 World Cup round of 16, which represents the need for a generational change, especially in the 2018 World Football The average age of Spain is the same as all teams. To be in the top five, this shouldn't happen in a football country with an adequate talent pool. 2022 World Cup Schedule

Spanish national football team head coach Enrique

Since Enrique took over as the head coach of the Spanish national team in 2018, he has cultivated a large number of newcomers and continued to use some veterans, which has played a key role in the recovery of Spanish football. From 18-19, the Spanish national team's scoring champion is still the 32-year-old Ramo. Sri Lanka, the most paradoxical thing is that he played a central defender and was a defensive player. Of course, Ramos was originally a famous "guard with a knife" with strong offensive ability, but in Spain, which is full of talents, he has "opportunity" to shoot many times with the knife. Irregular.

Ramos, 36,

The growth of the young generation in Spain

The 20/21 data shows that Spain's top scorer has become a 20-year-old Torres, and only Ramos has scored more than two goals over the age of 30, showing that Spain has crossed the dilemma of the transition between the old and the new. It can be seen from last year's 2020 European Cup (because the epidemic was postponed to the summer of 2021) and the 2021 European League of Nations, in July 2020, Spain's semi-final against Italy in the European Cup was eliminated in the PK war, and in In October 2020, the UEFA Nations League was also in the semi-finals. Spain met Italy again and succeeded in revenge 2-1.

Ferran Torres scores two goals against Italy in the Europa League semi-finals

The inevitability of the exchange of blood between Spain and Italy

Spain vs. Italy is a classic and difficult topic, because both teams have faced the problem of aging players in recent years, and after improvement, Italy has also achieved remarkable results in the past four years, especially winning the European Cup . The championship and the historical record of 37 unbeaten matches , on the other hand, Spain has a much greater exchange rate than Italy, and almost no players over 30 years old have scored goals. To a certain extent, there is a problem of inexperience of young players, but in terms of results, Spain has grown and counterattacked Italy, and even advanced to the first place in the group with 6 wins, 1 draw and 1 loss in the 2022 World Football Championship. At the age of 35, young players still did not get more opportunities. After the success of the European Cup, they encountered the problem of insufficient combat effectiveness, so that Italy missed the World Cup again .

UEFA Nations League "Spain 1-1 Portugal

Sarabia crosses in and Morata scores a point for Spain

The 2022-2023 UEFA Nations League will start the first round of the A-League group stage on the 2nd. In the highlight of Group B, Spain drew 1:1 with Portugal at home. Morata scored Sarabia's pass from the penalty area first to score a point for Spain. It was not until 82 points in the second half that Portugal made a low pass by Cancelo. Horta scored and scored, Portugal 1-1 Spain.

Cancelo made a low pass, and Horta scored, Portugal 1-1 Spain

Portugal is also facing the problem of alternation of generations. The Cristiano Ronaldo bench in this match is also an opportunity for Portugal to find the main axis of the future from the new golden generation. Silva, Fernandez and Jota all have quite strong offensive ability. Their ages are 26, 27, 25, and then In this UEFA Nations League qualifier, it is to find the best offensive match, aiming at the 2022 World Cup .


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