Abandon one hand and one leg, but still complete the journey around the world

During the whole trip around the world, I took my hands and feet with me for 7 months.

In the holy city of Varanasi on the river Ganges, in addition to spraining my foot, I also had problems with my right wrist.

The first yoga handstand before departure was too hard, because I was a novice in handstand and didn't know my body well enough. My entire right arm shut down in protest, I fell and sprained my right wrist. I thought it would heal on its own without any serious problems, but it got worse after traveling with a large backpack.

Throughout the journey, the pain in the wrists and ankles protested from time to time

During the whole trip around the world, I took my hands and feet with me for 7 months . Sometimes the ankle is particularly uncomfortable, and the ankle protests after walking for too long, or carrying a large backpack for too long.

Sometimes my wrists hurt so much that I need the help of a storyteller every time I get on a big backpack. Amazon rainforest, wearing rain boots to fight the flooded mud flow, stepping on it, pulling it out, and walking hard. The tour guide hurried forward without looking back, the storyteller followed, and I was the last. One footstep didn't make a solid step, fell to the right, and intuitively supported the ground with his right hand. The pain in the wrist was so painful that I thought I was going to go into shock, but the willpower kept going, and the pain was still biting me for five minutes.

This is a relatively dry section, and the Amazon is especially muddy after the rain

When things are bad, I use a warm water bottle and put my wrists over the scalding steam to try to make it more comfortable.

The two rolls of kinesio patch I brought with me when I set out also accompanied me throughout the journey. If you need to walk or move for a long time, I will paste it first to increase the support. The rule of thumb is to teach yourself on Youtube.

Physical discomfort is like a time bomb , and I worry about when it will explode, adding a lot of psychological pressure. In addition, I was also afraid that my traveling companions would dislike me for being a pitiful wounded soldier, and I was worried that I would not be able to keep up with her.

I feel that I shouldn’t be brave, and I should express my discomfort; but sometimes I’ll try to be brave without realizing it, and after trying to be brave, I will suffer the pain here and there.

I am not wise enough at the moment to see what action to take. However, the flow of the universe carried me forward.

The human figure shows that the Sanyao man is a martyr, suitable for collision. Even if an arm is bitten by a shark today, he can still swim ashore and survive .

When I was young, I did crash like this, and I was not afraid of dying to try, and I suffered a lot of injuries. By the end, I was tired, depressed, unable to walk, and sick. I have a deep sense of guilt about myself, I'm sorry, I treated you badly, you worked hard. So I swung to the other side, protecting myself, trying to recover. adventure? Thank you for not first, I'm afraid of getting hurt.

During the time of traveling around the world, it seems to be a period of self-protection.

Looking back, sometimes I feel regretful, knowing that I could survive, I should have tried more bravely in the first place, and forced myself a little more, not always stay in the safe zone. I can walk longer and see more.

However, after a little longer, sometimes I feel that maybe it is a period of self-protection, let me step on the brakes of the storyteller, and let me and the storyteller return safely.

Talking to a storyteller recently about the emotion of " regret ", I asked, "Do you think that if you made some decisions sooner, you would be more successful now?" She decided this week to start a personal Facebook page.

She said, "I wouldn't think that way, because if I were to tell myself to study hard and not skip so many classes, I wouldn't listen at all, because my thoughts and moods at that time were different, and I would just do it my own way. ”

I am an afterthought, and I will keep looking back to see which link went wrong, why I made such a wrong decision, and regurgitate the emotion of regret. Even though I know rationally that I can't rewind things, emotionally I'm still stuck in the "denial" stage.

The storyteller's answer released me to some extent.

Perhaps, how far to go and how much to see is not the point, but the self-inquiry and self-talk in the process, which made me more and more clear about who I am, and it is also a precious experience that cannot be exchanged for money during the journey.

When moving, a large backpack + a small backpack on the chest

Fang Zi's " La La Shou Travels Around the World " theme open for subscription

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