hypothesis sync obsidian


hypothesis registration and use


Sign up for an account to learn basic usage, tags, groups, private and public.

Find develop in the account settings, get the api token, and use it later in obsidian.

Using the hypothesis plugin in obsidian

Ensure normal access to the international network, find the hypothesis plug-in in the community plug-in

Here you need to fill in the above token to connect, and configure the same folder. It is best to set it to manual synchronization. A hypothesis icon will appear in the left column of obsidian, click and synchronize.

For modifying the sync template, see below.

Mainly modified the :->:: in the tag, because the two quotation marks will be recognized as tags in obsidian, and can be processed later (dataview).

Templates in plugins

 {% if is_new_article %}
# {{title}}
{% if author %}- Author: [{{author}}]({{authorUrl}}){% endif %}
- Title: {{title}}
{% if url %}- Reference: {{url}}{% endif %}
- Category: #article
{% endif %}
{%-if is_new_article %}
## Page Notes
{% for highlight in page_notes -%}
{%- if highlight.tags | length %}
Tags: {% for tag in highlight.tags -%} #{{tag | replace(" ", "-")+" "}}{%- endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% end for %}
{%- if is_new_article -%}
## Highlights
{% for highlight in highlights -%}
- {{highlight.text}} — [Updated on {{highlight.updated}}]({{highlight.incontext}})
{%- if 'Private' != highlight.group %} — Group: #{{highlight.group | replace(" ", "-")}}{% endif %}
{% if highlight.tags | length %} - Tags: {% for tag in highlight.tags %} #{{tag | replace(" ", "-")+" "}}{% endfor %}
{% endif -%}
{% if highlight.annotation %} - Annotation: {{highlight.annotation}}{% endif %}
{% end for %}
{% endif %}

Editing template

 {% if is_new_article %}
# {{title}}
{% if author %}- Author:: [{{author}}]({{authorUrl}}){% endif %}
- Title:: {{title}}
- Created:: {{created}}
{% if url %}- Reference:: {{url}}{% endif %}
- Category:: #source/hypothesis
{% endif %}
{%-if is_new_article %}
## Page Notes
{% for highlight in page_notes -%}
{%- if highlight.tags | length %}
Tags: {% for tag in highlight.tags -%} #{{tag | replace(" ", "-")+" "}}{%- endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% end for %}
{%- if is_new_article -%}
## Highlights
{% for highlight in highlights -%}
- {{highlight.text}}
{%- if 'Private' != highlight.group %} — Group: #{{highlight.group | replace(" ", "-")}}{% endif %}
{% if highlight.tags | length %} - Tags: {% for tag in highlight.tags %} #{{tag | replace(" ", "-")+" "}}{% endfor %}
{% endif -%}
{% if highlight.annotation %} - Annotation: {{highlight.annotation}}{% endif %}
{% end for %}
{% endif %}

set reference


Template Reference Documentation

Original blog post: hypothesis synchronization obsidian


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hellolinux2021欢迎拍手与交流,个人Channel:https://t.me/hellolinuxLab Sentinel DVPN中文社区管理,技术及使用支持 https://t.me/Sentinel_China 个人主页:https://hellolinux.uk/about
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