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台湾元宵节4大活动Taiwan Lantern Festival Activities

There are many activities all over Taiwan during Taiwan Lantern Festival.

1. 台湾灯会Taiwan Lantern Festival

The Taiwan Lantern Festival is an annual event hosted by the Tourism Bureau of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications in Taiwan, and the theme is based on the zodiac animal of that year.


annual event 年度活动
hosted by 由…主办
zodiac animal 生肖

2.平溪「放天灯Pingxi (Pingsi) Sky Lantern Festival

The Pingxi Sky Lantern Festival is one of the most colorful activities of the Lantern Festival. During the Taiwan Lantern Festival, thousands of sky lanterns light over Pingxi in Taiwan. 平溪放天灯是元宵节精彩的活动之一,台湾元宵节期间,平溪有数千盏天灯照亮夜空。

As Pingxi is located in a remote area outside of Taipei, the Pingxi sky lanterns were released originally to let others know that the town was safe.

Nowadays, the lanterns do not function as signals anymore but are now used as symbols of peace and good fortune. These lanterns are decorated with wishes and images relating to the owner.

sky lantern 天灯,放天灯releasing sky lanterns
be located in 位于
remote area 偏远地区
as symbol of 象征

3. 台南盐水「燃蜂炮」Yanshui Fireworks Festival (Yanshui Beehive Fireworks Festival)

The fireworks display at the God of War Temple in Yanshui, Tainan City, is one of the most popular and anticipated events of the Lantern Festival. Yanshui Beehive Fireworks Festival is listed as one of the world's three major folk festivals , and is also one of the most significant religious events in Taiwan.
元宵夜除了放天灯之外,台南市盐水区武庙的蜂炮也闻名国内外。 「盐水蜂炮」名列世界三大民俗庆典,为台湾最具代表性的宗教活动之一。

Legend has it that the fireworks originated during the Qing Dynasty as the plague raged in the streets of Yanshui. Victims of the disease multiplied daily, and the locals prayed to Guan Di, the god of war, to save them. Thus on Lantern Festival evening, the Guan Di's palanquin paraded through the streets with multitudes of followers setting off firecrackers behind the deity's holy sedan chair along the road until the break of dawn, and the plague was ended.

So the later generations followed this custom, asking Guan Di to patrol the streets on the evening of the Lantern Festival each year.

On Lantern Festival night, the holy sedan chair will depart from Emperor Guan Temple and parade through the streets of Yanshui. Followers along the way will set off firework racks (also called "gun deck" or "gun wall") in front of their doorways.

The "gun deck" consists of thousands of bottle rockets that ignite all at the same time, creating a deafening, bee-like sound as if hundreds of thousands of bees streaming out of their hives.

People believe that after running through the flying fireworks, you can get rid of calamity and troubles, and have a prosperous and wonderful new year.

beehive firecrackers 蜂炮(beehive蜂巢),set off beehive firecrackers 燃蜂炮
popular 受欢迎的
anticipate 期望、盼望
is listed as 被列为
folk festival 民间节庆
religious event 宗教活动
plague 瘟疫
rage 肆虐
palanquin, sedan chair 轿子
deity 神
patrol 巡逻;出巡
bottle rocket 冲天炮
ignite 点燃
get rid of 摆脱,消除
calamity 灾难

4. 台东「炸邯郸」Bombing of Master Han Dan

The main activity in Taitung during the Lantern Festival every year is the Bombing of Master Han Dan . Master Han Dan is a guardian of the celestial treasury and is revered today as a God of Wealth.

When Master Han Dan makes his tour of the earthly world, people along the route of the divine procession prepare offerings of fresh flowers and fruit, and light strings of firecrackers to welcome Master Han Dan and pray for his blessing and for good fortune. The person representing Master Han Dan on the tour shows braveness by only holding a tree branch and wearing a headscarf, mask and pair of red shorts amid the fusillade of firecrackers.

Why the people throw firecrackers at Master Han Dan? In one version, Master Han Dan is the God of Rogue and his power grows with the loudness of the firecrackers. It also symbolizes the vent of dissatisfaction ; another version is that legend says Master Han Dan is afraid of the cold, so the people throw firecrackers at him to keep him warm and win his blessing.

bombing of Master Han Dan 炸邯郸
celestial 天国的;earthly 尘世的,世俗的
revere 崇敬
divine procession 神明绕境队伍
fusillade 连续齐射
rogue 流氓
vent of dissatisfaction 不满情绪之渲泄



台湾元宵节4大活动Taiwan Lantern Festival Activities

1. 台湾灯会Taiwan Lantern Festival
annual event 年度活动
hosted by 由…主办
zodiac animal 生肖
2. 平溪「放天灯」Pingxi (Pingsi) Sky Lantern Festival
sky lantern 天灯,放天灯releasing sky lanterns
be located in 位于
remote area 偏远地区
signal 信号
as symbol of 象征
3. 台南盐水「燃蜂炮」Yanshui Fireworks Festival (Yanshui Beehive Fireworks Festival)
beehive firecrackers 蜂炮(beehive蜂巢),set off beehive firecrackers 燃蜂炮
popular 受欢迎的
anticipate 期望、盼望
is listed as 被列为
folk festival 民间节庆
religious event 宗教活动
plague 瘟疫
rage 肆虐
palanquin, sedan chair 轿子
deity 神
bottle rocket 冲天炮
ignite 点燃
get rid of 摆脱,消除
calamity 灾难
4. 台东「炸邯郸」Bombing of Master Han Dan
celestial 天国的;earthly 尘世的,世俗的
revere 崇敬
divine procession 神明绕境队伍
fusillade 连续齐射
rogue 流氓
vent of dissatisfaction 不满情绪之渲泄

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