Mlog|First grader

This article is really a running account. I have the opportunity to walk in Meinong, just want to share the beautiful things I see with you.

Since getting married, I have been in my husband's hometown every year for Chinese New Year.

For many married women, going back to in-laws can be stressful to some degree, but I'm lucky to be fine in that regard.

Of course, living in someone else's house will still be a little stressful, but because my husband was raised by my grandmother, I will be treated as a grandchild when I go back to his house. All the things that I have to do during the New Year are just fine. They treat us "usually hard working" My child” expects to sleep, eat, and play, and to be honest, it’s less busy than in my own home.

So today, on the first day of the new year, we slept directly until almost noon before waking up. (No way, I was too tired to drive south yesterday)

After lunch, we went to see Mr.'s elementary school teacher, who took us on a walk.

The teacher is a bit of a legend. In my mind, he is the kind of teacher who "I really hope he can teach me".

According to the husband, the teacher would not stare at them before reading, but he would take them out to watch rice transplanting, watch various farming operations, take care of animals and plants in the classroom, and promote extracurricular reading. more important. In addition, he will also take special care of the needy children in the class. Back then, they were so acquainted with him because he had no parents to take care of him and often brought him into his own home.

However, the legendary teacher did not show his legendary side today. He just acted as a local guide and took us around.

The epidemic situation in Kaohsiung is a bit serious. We especially emphasized going to places with few people. The teacher really took us to a few places with few people.

This is a place similar to a dojo. There is a building like a gymnasium. It is surrounded by many trees and low houses. It feels super suitable as a place for group health activities.

No one was there when we went there. We asked the teacher, "Would you like to break in?" The teacher said, "The people from their group will come for a while, no problem." The implication is to pretend to be their people. Enjoy this place? XD

But we just walked around in it, admired the plants inside and left.

Tomato field by the road.

Tomatoes are one of the specialties here, but the season seems to be coming to an end. The teacher said that the tomatoes still on the branches at this time are usually of poor quality, and no one will come to pick them. At this time, the owner of the farmland usually Willing to let others go in and pick (as long as they dare to ask).

I don't know why it reminds me of the feeling that in "The Common People and Nobles" everyone sends vegetables to each other and is a food rich man in the place of origin.

My cousin asked me why I wanted to shoot this. There are a bunch of banana trees near my house. I simply think the brick wall + green leaves + blue sky is beautiful.

Mino Lake.

It is said that it has been called Meinong Lake for generations. It was renamed Zhongzheng Lake for a while, in memory of Mr. Jiang, but it has been changed back in recent years.

Zhong Li and Mr.

I read his works in high school in our country. At that time, because it was homework, I didn’t enjoy reading it and I didn’t understand it very well. Now that I have grown up, I read mostly translated literature, but I didn’t know this local writer well.

After reading the content of the exhibition a little, I feel that he is a man with lofty ideals who loves his hometown, cares about the disadvantaged (peasants, workers), and hopes that his words can connect the land and people. I don’t know why it reminds me of Van Gogh or Victoria. Mel, probably because they also like to paint peasants or maids, this kind of feeling of being a gentleman but paying attention to a class that is usually ignored. After I go back this time, I should find time to read his works, right?

"I believe in my love, and I will rely on it as an indicator of light." This sentence always reminds me of Jin Li, who is also an author full of love in my heart.

This flower is called Firework Tree, and it was also seen at the Zhonglihe Memorial Hall. What’s interesting is that a little later, we saw someone setting off fireworks by a paddy field, and when we looked back, there were also firework trees planted in the houses next to them. . Although I knew it was just a coincidence, I still felt that God's arrangement was a little romantic.

Squirrel installation art.

During the Japanese occupation period, many tropical rain forest plants were transplanted in this area. The experimental forest of that year has grown magnificently now, and this squirrel is standing at the entrance of the forest.

Funny tree roots.

The teacher said that this kind of root (like a board, so it is called a root) can not only strengthen the stability of the tree, but also collect water. It is a common root in the rainforest.

Straight and tall mahogany, it is said to be most beautiful when it has fallen leaves and new leaves, but I think it is also very beautiful now.

Seeing the seedlings on the roadside, I just thought this cloud was very interesting. With the slanting sunlight and green seedlings, I liked this scene very much.

The last photo I took before going home, the rice field just after sunset.

It's really interesting to follow the teacher around in Mino, listening to him explain these things, interspersed with his own life experience (unfortunately, many things cannot be expressed by photos).

He has been a local teacher for many years, and he is really deeply connected to the land. Why do you say this way? It's not just because he knows everything there, but today he drove us around with the windows open, and people greeted him from time to time on the road. He felt that because of his profession as a teacher, coupled with his personal characteristics, let him Unconsciously, he has become a celebrity in Mino.

During our outing, the group with friends was also busy.

Friend A took a picture of my kitten and painted it with tiger stripes, while Friend B added a border. When I got home and opened the group, I found an extra picture for the New Year.

It takes no effort at all to get the kitten New Year's picture, it's a good deal to have such a friend XDD

Finally, I wish everyone a Happy New Year with the kitten New Year's picture they created together!


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洛洛插畫學徒、愛貓人,願望是不要成為無聊的大人。 🐿插畫粉專 Lomia Illustration 🍄插畫Instagram
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