Parallel Lines Chapter 16 - Concubine Yu

If she could be as free and easy as Hui Wen said, how could she have chased her all the way here?

Tina couldn't figure out the slight chill on her back, whether it was the cold wind seeping in from the gap in the side door of the auditorium, or Rebecca and Jacky who caught herself in the middle, intentionally or unintentionally.

When Rebecca finished reading "He Liaosheng" and Tina was about to pick up the props in the background, she heard an uproar from the audience. She looked out and saw Jacky squatting on the ground.

Jacky has always been calm, so there must have been an accident. Tina subconsciously stepped forward to check, took two steps out of the stage, and was immediately pulled back by Emily: "Hey, you haven't appeared yet."

"But there seems to be something wrong on stage."

"It's probably just someone making an embarrassment, it's not a matter of life."

The two held their breaths and peeped. It took a few seconds for Jacky to read "Yu Ji" written in the script, but the trembling voice was completely different from the usual practice.

"Your Majesty... the pursuit has arrived, hurry up and get on the boat?" Jacky should have laid Rebecca flat on the ground at this time and stood up to talk to him, but Jacky suddenly woke up when he saw himself appearing, which was extremely abrupt.

The first thought that flashed through my mind was that Rebecca would probably be pissed after so many rehearsals had gone wrong.

When holding hands for the curtain call, Jacky held her right hand and was shaking slightly, while Rebecca looked indifferent, as she was when she was sulking.

Sure enough, after stepping off the stage, Rebecca immediately grabbed his arm with one hand, as if he didn't want to sit with Jacky on purpose, and Jacky returned to his seat without saying a word. As a result, he sat between them. As soon as they sat down, classmates from all directions cast strange glances at them.

After everyone turned around, Tina touched Jacky's arm, Jacky only frowned and shook his head, motioning not to ask any more; subconsciously looking at Rebecca, she crossed her hands, pursed her lips and closed her eyes, the tip of her nose turned slightly red.

It's just a boring drama game, no need to hurt feelings for small mistakes, right? !

"The results of the audience's votes have been counted. The class that won this year's prizes left their opponents by a large margin. Persuade the two partners who are in a good relationship to rebuild their relationship.

"With seven hundred and forty-two votes, the top three class [Farewell My Concubine]!!"


There was a more exaggerated uproar from all directions, mixed with laughter that made Tina dizzy.

The six girls stood up and walked to the corridor beside the auditorium, ready to accept the award on stage. Shike, when he reached the side door next to the steps to the stage, Rebecca turned around without warning, and slammed out the door with a "pop". Seeing this, Jacky ignored Ms Wong on stage and rushed out with Rebecca.

Tina was dumbfounded. Mandy looked out the door, and the two were long gone.

"Wait for them to come back...?"

"Stupid? When are we going to stand and be laughed at?" Emily ran to the stage, and the other three girls had to follow helplessly.




Xuan Lan fascinatedly followed the red skirt hanging on the ground through the corridor and up the stairs. The questions in the auditorium were instantly washed away by the sound of panting.

As expected, He Huiwen ran back to the classroom to get her schoolbag. When Xuan Lan ran to the door, He Huiwen, who rushed out with her schoolbag in her arms, slammed into her arms and said, "Excuse me!" The other party lowered her head, and without hesitation, she pulled her shoulders away and went to the other side of the school's back door. Escape by the stairs.

Xuan Lan looked at her watch, it was 3:41, and the back door of the school would not open in four minutes. Regardless of her fancy clothes, she picked up her schoolbag and ran after her.

She ran to the playground and finally found the lonely shadow of He Huiwen dragging a red dress and running without looking back. At the same time, the school bell rang. Seeing that the janitor's aunt, Shi Shiran, opened the iron gate at the back door, Xuan Lan didn't dare to slow down. After rushing out of the school gate, there was a crowd of people coming out of school, but He Huiwen's bright red back was very conspicuous, Xuan Lan could still cut through the crowd, and followed her up the slope of Peizheng Road.

When apologizing to the classmates who had been hit by him one after another, Xuan Lan couldn't help but ask herself what she was doing—since she was going to run away, why was she still chasing after her?

Is it just to force her to give an explanation for what she did on stage?


Do I, really, want to know the truth then?


Changsheng Street Park. Image source: Google Map

Crossing the road and running to Changsheng Street Park, He Huiwen finally stopped, burying her head against the tree trunk and panting. When Xuan Lan was still three steps away from her, she turned her head, and Bai Zhe's cheeks were rarely flushed.

"Why..." When the words came to the mouth, Xuan Lan actually found that he couldn't even describe the matter briefly.

"Didn't you say that when I forgot the script, I was allowed to act as I wanted?"

"Yes..." Xuan Lan felt dizzy for a while, still unable to say the question of the question——

Forgot the script, did it include forgetting that there was no scene in the script where Yu Ji kissed farewell on the cheek that was less than three centimeters away from the overlord's lips before he died?

"Then let me tell you, that's the reason! It's because of love, so I act like this, can't I?"

"But why..." Why did you rehearse so many times, and you never said that your feelings can be in place like this, but you did something unexpected in front of everyone's eyes?

No, this is definitely not something Xuan Lan wants to argue about, and even the love is moved out, is there any reason for it?

He Huiwen said, "Why do I have to do this until the day of the performance?"


"If I told you that I was competitive, I was grandstanding to win awards, would that be okay?"

Xuan Lan shook her head inexplicably, knowing that this was not the truth.

"Why not?! My vanity is so serious, isn't it?" He Huiwen whimpered: "You can look down on everyone and things and let them fade out without leaving a trace, but not everyone can do it. of!"

Xuan Lan couldn't understand He Huiwen's accusation, and felt like a stick in her heart.

If she could be as free and easy as Hui Wen said, how could she have chased her all the way here?

Ask Xin, does she really want to know the reason why He Huiwen kissed her? After all, it was just a subconscious reaction to grab the door and go after He Huiwen.

It turned out that it would be uncomfortable to leave this girl alone, and I couldn't do it myself.

Before she could react, He Huiwen's tears rolled out of her eyes, and she said something wrong with her face: "It's just the cheeks... We are all girls, what's the problem? Do you mind? what… …?"


Mind , do I mind?

Maybe it's a little bit mindful that you tip over what I've carefully concealed so easily ?

Maybe I really care a little, the distance I deliberately kept with you for you, you actually crossed it recklessly under the eyes of the whole world ?


Xuan Lan's sullen expression was unexpectedly sharp in He Huiwen's vision blurred by tears.

Her tears suddenly poured more fiercely.

"Do you think I'm the kind of person who kisses casually?"

Before the sullenness disappeared, her mind was blank again, and it was difficult to figure out any logic—how could every sentence He Huiwen said could not be connected to the previous sentence.

She covered her face and sobbed, her voice so small that Xuan Lan didn't know if she heard it wrong:

"Do you know that in my life, I have never..."

She couldn't say any more, she hurriedly picked up her schoolbag, pushed Xuan Lan away and ran downhill.

Now Xuanlan wanted to chase after her, but there was nothing he could do.

Her current world has become a chaos.


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【閱讀筆記】 黛安.穆卡伊《零工經濟來了:搶破頭的MBA創新課,教你勇敢挑戰多重所得、多職身分的多角化人生》