August: The Fantastic Journey of the Bullies

Returning to a normal life, my eyes have finally returned to normal, this chapter (if there are any similarities, I must ask where I have seen it), I am still thinking about whether to release it continuously (as expected, humans are too hateful) (good hands and feet may not necessarily Looking for a job? It's weird that you're so good at it.)
Photo by David Peters on Unsplash

After working hard for a long time this month, I finally got my salary for the first time in my life, but recently three famous thugs came and wanted to take my money. Zhang banknotes, I called the police and managed to get the money back, so I decided to ask the police for some cold drinks. Although they said no, I still asked a new policeman inside to help me carry the black tea in, but the three thugs actually Still staring at me when I was taking notes, I decided to find a colleague to follow me around after work to avoid being caught alone.

of course! When I go back, I will be blocked (tears), but I didn't have any money on me to make them dumbfounded, and they told me to turn out all my clothes. I just took my coat away, and I didn't expect nine cats to jump out to help. I grabbed and bit the gangsters, and then I didn't know what was going on. They grabbed my coat and ran away, and I followed to get my coat back. The scenery along the way was spectacular. Three gangsters ran in front, nine The cat was chasing him like hatred, and I tried to keep up with the black sweatshirt I was trying to get my coat back. Although I was fat, my physical fitness was not bad!

In the end, the gangsters got on the locomotive and said, "I won't come back to this strange city next time!" The words flew away, and I had no choice. If I was taken away from the coat, I might call the police unless I wore a famous brand. Now, how can ordinary people wear famous brands? Just don't bother the police.

"I really like that one..."

I saw that the nine cats in front were not motivated and lay directly on the road. I was dumbfounded when I saw it. Although there are few cars passing by this road, they were too bold. Ask them to go to the open space next to them and leave.

After a few days, the gangsters came back, and this time they also brought sticks and forced me to go to the blind corner of the no-man's alley. It seemed that I was on guard for the raid of nine cats. Unfortunately, today I made an appointment with my colleagues to watch a movie with money. .

"I saw you confirming the money on the road today? Don't pretend you don't know?"

They patted their sticks, and while I was at my wits end, a little girl in white looked at the three thugs and asked them a question that was clearly meant to be asked.

"Are the three uncles bullying a fat uncle?"

"Ah? Little girl, don't think that you are a little girl and others will not dare to do anything to you, right? Or leave it as if you didn't see it."

Despite being threatened like this, I saw the little girl in white with no fear in her eyes, and then whistled. I thought that there would be several men in black rushing over to subdue the gangster, but a few seconds later, a silly The kitten came out from the side and rubbed the little girl's leg.

"It turned out to be nothing?"

"Well, I think they should know what to clear first?"

After he finished speaking, his attention was focused on the gangster of the little girl in white. The sticks in his hand were raided by the cat group that emerged from the surrounding wall and shot down. As a result, in less than 1 minute, the three gangsters were completely run over by the cat group. Pressure, and I seem to see a mysterious urban legend in the same situation, who can command the cats? And the conductor is a little girl?

The little girl in white looked at the miserable gangster with a satisfied smile, and then the cat group left, but there was still a big pile of cats weighing heavily on the three gangsters. The little girl in white squatted down and answered the question of why they were beaten.

"You have injured two of my nine favorite cats. Although they are only flesh wounds, they will also pay me a price, understand? Next time you dare to come to our city to make trouble, I will directly ask the police I know. It's useless to deal with you directly with the underworld, trying to attack me is useless, because before that, you will be severely maimed by cats."

After the three thugs listened, they nodded frantically. When the cats left them, they rode their bikes away without saying a word. God knows if they left a shadow on the cats. As for the scene, the cats and white clothes were left behind. The little girl, and me who doesn't know what to do with the situation.

The little girl in white blew another whistle, and the sound seemed to be different from just now, and the cats retreated to other places. It didn't take long for this place to be like a normal alley, only the sound of cars and locomotives could be heard in the distance.

"Okay! I'm going to class, fat uncle, next time you have the courage to refuse even if you are pointed at by a knife? Anyway, except for the real mad, desperate and lunatic, no one will hurt people in public. Leave calmly and walk in a crowded place, if you follow you, call the police, and if you get killed, go to another world as a plug-in, you will feel relaxed, bye.”

Then the little girl in white, who disappeared from sight for a while, came back and took the kitten that was rubbing against me away, leaving a word of affirmation for me.

"It also likes your words. The resident said that you are a good person. It is true that you helped my cat to rest in the open space, but the process of checking the injury is lacking, but thanks anyway, you must be a very kind person."

My August, gangsters is not as amazing as the title I ordered, but for me, it was a wonderful experience in just a few minutes.


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凡星最容易生存,卻又是最難生存,平凡要不沾與極端之間取得平衡。(裝厲害)(你就不會乖乖吃起司嗎) 那麼今天想看什麼故事呢?
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