
又到了赏月的季节,自古以来,人类就懂得欣赏抬头可见的月亮,久久凝望让人心驰神往,民间也流传着许多神秘传说。 NASA表示2030年「月球交点周期lunar nodal cycle」将导致洪水急剧增加,让我们一起探索月亮的奥秘,了解月球如何影响地球,学习跟【月球英文】相关的知识!



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又到了赏月的季节,自古以来,人类就懂得欣赏抬头可见的月亮,久久凝望让人心驰神往,民间也流传着许多神秘传说。 NASA表示2030年「月球交点周期lunar nodal cycle」将导致洪水急剧增加,让我们一起探索月亮的奥秘,了解月球如何影响地球,学习跟【月球英文】相关的知识!

Image by Stefan Keller from Pixabay


The most obvious effect the Moon has on the Earth can be seen in the ocean tides . As the Earth rotate s each day, the Moon's gravity pulls the water on the nearest side of Earth towards it, creating a bulge . The sea bulges on the opposite side too due to centrifugal force caused by the Earth's rotation. The Earth rotates beneath these watery bulges, resulting in the two high tides and two low tides we see each day. (节录至Katherine Latham文章)


tide 名词n. 潮汐
high/rising tide 涨潮
low or falling tide/ebb 退潮
rotate 动词v. 旋转;名词n. rotation【天】自转
gravity 名词n. 地心吸力
bulge 名词n. 肿胀、凸块;动词v. 使膨胀,使凸起
centrifugal 形容词adj. 离心的
centrifugal effect 离心作用
centrifugal force 离心力
result it 片语ph. 导致

Every 18.6 years the Moon's orbit " wobbles " between a maximum and minimum of plus or minus 5 degrees relative to the Earth's equator . This cycle is called the lunar nodal cycle. When the lunar plane tilts away from the equatorial plane, the tides on Earth grow smaller. When the Moon's orbit is more in line with the Earth's equator, the tides are exaggerated . (节录至Katherine Latham文章)

每隔18.6 年,月球轨道相对于地球赤道面的夹角会在正负5 度之间「摆动」。这个周期被称为「月球交点周期」。当月球轨道平面远离地球赤道面时,地球上的潮汐就会变小;而当月球轨道与地球赤道面更接近时,潮汐就会被放大。

orbit 名词n. (天体等的) 运行轨道;动词v. 绕轨道运行
wobble 动词v. 使摇晃、使不稳定;名词n. 摆动、不稳定
equator名词n. 赤道;equatoria l形容词adj. 赤道的
nodal 形容词adj. 节的
plane 名词n. 平面
tilt 动词v. 使倾斜、偏向
tilt away/to the left/to one side 偏离/向左倾斜/一边倾斜
exaggerate动词v. 夸大、使扩大、使增大

Nasa says that rising sea levels due to climate change, combined with the influence of the lunar nodal cycle will cause a dramatic increase in the number of high-tide floods during the 2030s. These floods, exacerbated by the Moon, are set to damage infrastructure and change coastlines . (节录至Katherine Latham文章)

美国宇航局NASA表示,由于气候变化导致的海平面上升,再加上月球交点周期的影响,本世纪30 年代的涨潮洪水数量将急剧增加。月球加剧了这些洪水,将破坏基础设施并改变海岸线。

combine 动词v. 使结合、使联合(+with)
influence 名词n. 影响
dramatic 形容词adj. 戏剧般的
exacerbate 动词v. 使恶化
infrastructure 名词n. 公共建设、基础建设
coastline 名词n. 海岸线
Image by ELG21 from Pixabay


The lunar nodal cycle might be set to raise many challenges for humans, but for wildlife in coastal ecosystems it could be an existential threat. When the nodal cycle is at its peak , the high tides flood mosquito habitat further landward. Typically, there are fewer mosquitoes at the peak of the cycle. It's not just mosquitos that are affected – their abundance is a proxy for the welfare of numerous other species . (节录至Katherine Latham文章)


ecosystem 名词n. 生态系统
existential 形容词adj. 与存在有关的
existential crisis/question/threat生存危机/问题/威胁
peak 名词n. 高峰、山顶
mosquito 名词n. 蚊子
habitat 名词n. (动物的)栖息地、(植物的)产地
abundance 名词n. 丰富、大量
proxy 名词n. 代理人、取代物;to act as sb.'s proxy 做某人的代表
welfare 名词n. 福利、幸福、健康安乐
species 名词n. 种类、物种;endangered species濒危物种

With increased flooding due to the Moon wobble and sea level rise, freshwater wetlands may also face a profound change. Freshwater aquatic species are also greatly impacted by increasing salinity and pushed upstream to remain in freshwater. Salinization of freshwater coastal wetlands will continue to increase with rising sea levels – and the more frequent flooding is, the more the wetlands will be impacted by the salinity. (节录至Katherine Latham文章)


freshwater 形容词adj. 淡水的
wetland 名词n. 湿地
profound 形容词adj. 深刻的
aquatic 形容词adj. 水生的
salinity 名词n. 盐性、盐度;salinization 名词n. 盐化作用、盐碱化
upstream 形容词adj. 在上游的;副词adv. 向上游
frequent 形容词adj. 频繁的
impact 动词v. 冲击、影响(+on/by)
Image by Stefan Keller from Pixabay


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