[Syzygy] Daily slice: STAY AT HOME

2021/05/24. Wishing each other the best of luck this time through this difficult time.

Over the past year or so, Taiwan has survived the possibility of several outbreaks in a thrilling manner. Everyone thought that life could continue to be in such a safe and sound world-like parallel time and space, keeping covid-19 out of our life circle. However, whether it is due to fatigue or laxity, it is always true that Jingzhou is careless.

No luck this time.

Taken at Treasure Rock Light Exhibition

After get off work last week, I brought the whole set of desktop computers back to the rental house from the company, and tried my best to clear a space for placement in the small rental house. I was ready to start WORK FROM HOME the next day, and I also purchased some basic dry food to reduce going out.

Reducing the commute suddenly takes a lot more time, even though most of the time was still devoted to anxiety and worry a while back. I couldn't stand eating instant noodles and canned food for nearly a whole week. After the concern and advice of my friends, I decided to open the small refrigerator that had not been used for more than two years in order to save electricity bills. I also decided to go out during the lunch break to replenish some fresh food Food and vegetables, but because of this, I was too worried about whether the virus would take advantage of it because I went out, and I was anxious again for a long time after returning.

When I wake up on weekends, maybe it's because I don't know how long such days will last, and I'm always depressed. I feel that I need to do something to change my mood, especially those who always want to do it, but always say that they are not free, Things that don't have time, such as playing computer games 😉. I'm not usually a person who can play electric games. I don't reject it. It's just that my education and habits from childhood made me less likely to take the initiative to contact me. (I'm also not very talented. The super waste hahahaha).

However, in 2017, I bought a masterpiece that was highly recommended by friends at the time: UNDERTALE. Due to computer equipment, free time, and mood, I never started playing. I figured now is a good time to start playing! 🎮

Install the software, put on the headset, and execute! Start the game! ! !

With the background music and the protagonist exploring the world constructed by the story, my mood has indeed improved, and I no longer just focus on one message after another about the epidemic, which affects myself and leads to a total loss of strength and spirit. .

Later, I also played HUMAN FALL: FALT with my relatives and sisters. This is also a game that I bought almost in 2018. The three of them have never played it well. This opportunity also happened to fulfill this wish. .

Cooperative moving sticks
move again
Set sail!

Connecting feelings can also help each other adjust to low moods. The next day, I also re-read the online illustration class I bought. I took notes and practiced at the same time. I was very satisfied, and it was a pleasant weekend.

The current way of life is bound to be very different from the past, and there may be many inconveniences. It seems like a long way to go, but all the efforts and enduring now are for the possibility of living a life without such fear of the virus in the future. If nothing is done, there will only be constant fear of being dominated by the virus.

Wishing each other the best of luck during this difficult time.


Extended reading topic| #syzygy_daily slice


❍ Xu Wenjun❍

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