Walking Evening News: "Taichung Fang Siqi Case" Investigation Results Released

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0902 Evening News

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Go Evening News allows you/you can see the world without going out, I hope everyone is safe on the night of the typhoon :)

First of all, we will share the 14 selected works of the 2022 Wildlife Photographer of the Year. The competition hosted by the Natural History Museum in London has attracted photographers from 93 countries around the world to register. Officially The results and exhibition will be announced in October this year.

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 Evening News Digest + Selected Good Articles + Activity Summary Read international news with you and go around the world together🌍

Global Hotspot

Argentina's Vice President Cristina. Fernandez (Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner) recently faced judicial investigation for corruption. She was sentenced to 12 years in prison and deprived of public power, sparking protests between the positive and negative camps. She returned to her residence after responding to the call on the 1st, and shook hands with supporters at the door of her house. The gun suspect detonated the trigger at her head at close range, and escaped because the bullet failed to fire.

The attempted assassination of the vice president shocked Argentine society. Fernandez (Alberto Fernandez) announced a national holiday on the 2nd, calling on people to take to the streets to defend democracy and condemn violence.

Christina belongs to the leftist camp and served as the president of Argentina from 2007 to 2015. Her late husband, Néstor Carlos Kirchner, was also the former president of Argentina. The power of Peronsim, which intervenes in the economy, but the populist style has also brought financial difficulties to Argentina.

out of gender

In the case of the sexual assault of a math teacher in the middle school gifted class, known by the media as the "Taichung Fang Siqi Case", the Zhongshi Xingping Association announced today the results of its investigation of the teacher surnamed Huang. The punishment includes dismissal, never hiring, and no pension.

The teacher surnamed Huang was accused of sexually abusing female students for a long period of time by taking advantage of his powers to sexually assault female students 25 years ago. The last meeting to confirm whether to maintain the original resolution. The Humanity Education Foundation asked the city government to expand the investigation and called on the society to continue to pay attention to the follow-up development of the case.

"We urge everyone to continue to care about this case together, fight for other victims who dare not speak up and have no resources, so that everyone does not need to live in threats and fear." The first student A who came forward to accuse Master Huang stated in the statement .

I can't be the only one who knows

Do many readers, like walking, have never used a Floppy Disk? Although many software icons for the "storage" function are inspired by it, the magnetic disk, which was born half a century ago, is almost obsolete around the world -- except in Japan, the IT powerhouse.

Japan's Digital Minister Taro Kono recently issued a document announcing a "declaration of war" on magnetic disks, pointing out that the government still has about 1,900 procedures requiring companies to submit data using outdated devices such as magnetic disks and CDs, and will update regulations to allow private use of online services. "Where can I buy disks now?" Kono Taro said at a press conference that his next target is a fax machine.

Quote of the Day

"We need a country like "Yu Yingzhen"." - " Cai Diyan Column: Do women with disabilities have the freedom to fall in love with bad men?" 🇰🇷〉

The Korean drama "The Very Lawyer Yu Yingjun" has become a global hit, and it also draws attention to the situation of the physically and mentally handicapped in South Korea in reality. The drama depicts the intimate relationship between ordinary men and women with disabilities, and it also prompts whether they have "ability" or "qualification" "The pros and cons of exercising sexual autonomy...

"World Walk" is a new start-up and hopes to become a gender-conscious international news media. It hopes to interpret fascinating stories from all over the world from a new perspective that escapes dualism 🌎

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