The incident on August 17, 2017

The existence of ghost stories has always been a mystery. When you think of ghost stories, what do you think of? For me personally, a ghost story is not just a momentous event, it could also change my life.

August 17, 2017

Today is the fourth anniversary of "that event", and even though it has been four years, I still remember it vividly.

That day, I overslept and missed the morning run. Because I made a promise to run every day, I changed the running time to the evening.

That night, my family went out, and I was the only one left at home. After I finished my work, I checked the time. After seven o’clock, it was almost time to go for a run. After I put on my shoes and warmed up, I went out for a run.

Because it is in the countryside, there are few street lights, and there is no one on the road at night. Because it is a night run, I concentrate more on running, and I will always pay attention to the surrounding situation.

Running and running, I suddenly saw a girl sitting in front of me with only a faint light. I couldn't see it clearly at the moment, but I could roughly see her body shape and hair. At the moment, I was actually hesitant to continue running or turn back. Later After thinking about it for a while, I decided to continue running. At that time, I felt that there should still be someone after seven o'clock in the evening. It was just a little dark. I was thinking about it, so I continued to run. A normal girl, as expected, I was thinking wildly, thinking to myself.

After there was no problem, I continued to run, I kept running, I always felt like someone was behind me, but when I looked back, there was no one there. On the way, there was a small road with a big ditch next to it, so I continued to run. At that time, I still felt that there was someone behind me. , I also look back every now and then, and again when I look back

"Wow, why did a girl suddenly appear in front of you?"

She was some distance away from me. At that time, I had goosebumps and told myself to turn back quickly, so I slowly walked back, and now I felt that as soon as I turned around, she would rush over, so I continued to move slowly.


She suddenly rushed over, and I immediately turned around and ran wild with all my strength. I didn't dare to turn around and keep running. I thought I had to run to the Tudi Gong Temple as soon as possible. I kept looking around after taking a rest, and the surroundings were silent and terrifyingly quiet, but I couldn’t stay in the temple all the time, so I burned incense sticks to worship the Lord of the Land, and bless me to return home safely. I took another rest before starting to run home.

I was terrified along the way, but fortunately, nothing happened on the way home.

Just when I thought it was's not over yet

After I got home, I was sweating and I went to take a shower, and the light suddenly went out when I was halfway through.

"I'm taking a shower" I shouted

But the lights were still dim, so I had no choice but to wash in the dark, eh...I think my family hasn't come home yet, and I'm the only one at home...

I kept hypnotizing myself, it should be because the lamp was broken, when I was about to finish washing

"Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam!" "Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam!"

I stopped and thought

"Who's knocking on the door so hard?"

At that time, I really couldn't do it. I quickly finished washing and went out to see who it was. After washing out of the toilet, I found that except for the lights in the toilet, even the lights in the living room were dimmed. Suddenly

"Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam!" "Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam!"

The knock on the door followed. I took my phone and turned on the flashlight. I went to the window to see who was knocking over there. As a result, I didn't see half of the people there for a long time, and I saw no one. I was about to turn around and leave, but as soon as I turned around, the girl who had just chased me was right in front of me. I immediately jumped off the sofa and ran out, all the way to the Tudi Temple, and then called my family to tell them what happened. My family came to pick me up for a while, and when I got to the door, the lights were on, and there was no power outage.

After that, my family took me to the big temple to worship, and I thought that was the end of the matter.

Until one time, when I went to the toilet, the toilet light kept flashing. I thought it was a short circuit, so I didn’t care, but then, as long as I went to the toilet, the light kept flashing, so I told my mother

"Ma~ why the toilet light keeps flashing"

"Where is it flashing?"

I was surprised for a moment, then ran to ask my dad and brother, but they all said they didn't see it.

I thought I was wrong, and then it flashed again when I went to the toilet. I was pretty sure it was flashing. I immediately called my mother to come over to see it, but the light was on when my mother came to see it...

I know it's not over yet


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