"The whole world is a theater, and the people in it are actors."

The whole world is a theater, and the people in it are actors. These words belong to the English poet and playwright William Shakespeare who lived on earth more than 400 years ago. But those words have not lost their relevance today.


My apologies to viewers who have subscribed to me for my published work - articles devoted to the scientific picture of the universe. 😄

I don't even know if there is such a person among my subscribers 🤣

This article has more to do with economics than human survival in space, science and cosmic issues.

A few words about the beginning:

Shortly before another accident with my godfather, I had an interesting conversation with him.

Now I compare some facts I know and decide to entrust them to "paper".

Godfather is fine, he's alive - not very healthy, but receiving treatment)

I start:

Sometime back in February 1998, in a private exchange with someone close to the government, my godfather got the unbelievable news that Russia was going to default in half a year. This is valuable information, thanks to which my godfather "made" a lot of money.

About Default 1998 :
"On August 17, 1998, Russia defaulted on its short-term bonds. After that, a crisis broke out in the country: the ruble tripled in value at the end of the year, people's living standards fell sharply, and the banking system was paralyzed for months. Inflation in 1998 exceeded 80% %. The crisis led to the collapse of the largest private banks in Russia. Although the money has been refunded to most depositors at these and other banks, there has been a delay. 30% to 50%. 2. Foreign currency deposits are forcibly converted into rubles, which is also affected."

It wasn't until later, many years later, that my godfather realized that such information is called inside information, purely inside information.

The man who told me Godfather Russia defaulted and some of his acquaintances were not rich in 1998. But a decade later, they popped up on Forbes lists, and today they regularly feature in owner ratings of the world's most expensive yachts.

How to call this information? In the United States, there are even criminal acts such as "insider trading", which should be severely punished.

A few days ago, it was reported that Federal Reserve Vice Chairman Richard Clarida would retire early as the stock market trades he made in 2020 came under increasing scrutiny. If he was just a mortal, he wouldn't get away with it.

Photos from the website: https://rus.team/people/richard-klarida--richard-harris-clarida

But even in a perfectly legal state, it would be nearly impossible to send a Fed vice president to jail.

Why do many people like the crypto market? There is an opportunity to get rich quick if you approach this market correctly. Buy some coins in the presale. Or, using confidential information, buy a coin that is already traded on an exchange and mint X on it. The stock market is traditionally thought to offer no such opportunities. It really isn't going to grow at the same rate as cryptocurrencies.

If I showed you a bunch of very successful traders who made X's in the regular US stock market and did so on a regular basis, buying and selling unbelievably successfully the moment ideal conditions arose. Also, all of these successful traders are not professionals, they are amateurs. Also, they all work in the same organization. That is, they are colleagues.

Yes, there are such people, these are members of the United States Congress. Everyone is trading, Democrats and Republicans alike. The most successful earn 7x on simple but well-known promotions. But you can't because you don't know when to sell or buy. they can.

Everyone likes to say recently that the most precious resource is not money, let alone time. The most valuable resource in the Internet age is information. Now there is no need to pay bribes or carry cash in suitcases, as Russian ministers sometimes do. If you receive such messages in the secure messenger $SMSFTUP, it will be considered bribery, ? or not?

Even before the rumors of the Wuhan virus and the vaccine emerged, several members of the US Congress suddenly bought shares in Moderna and Pfizer. What do you think? I wonder where they got this from?

By the time you read this massive study ( https://unusualwhales.com/i_am_the_senate/full ) to the end, you will understand that all the moves in the market and the political events associated with those moves are very timely investments by US lawmakers Coincides in certain assets, including bonds, options, and even cryptocurrencies.

This means that almost any so-called spontaneous event in the world, from a sudden pandemic to a shortage of chips on world markets, to job losses or lockdowns, supply chain disruptions and planned global fuel shortages, is a pre-planned event.

I don't know how reliable this is, but some sources say Bill Gates bought the World Health Organization. After acquiring the World Health Organization, Bill Gates directed his billions to buy agricultural land and farms. Why did he do this? The man who founded Microsoft decided later in life to milk cows or grow wheat? how do you imagine it

In general, I'm not going to propose a different version here as to why he needs land and farmland :-) I'll tell you right away, you won't like my version 😅 If you like to think, think for yourself. ;)

Here is a list of the most successful traders among US lawmakers (https://twitter.com/unusual_whales/status/1480656947577860096?s=21) including Democrats, Republicans, Greens, Whites and Blacks. Each is fed from one hand, creating the appearance of some irreconcilable struggles with others and responding in time to the challenges facing humanity.

🤣 Now about the movie: "Don't look up"


I didn't want to write a movie review at first, but after reading many Asian friends' reviews of this movie, I couldn't help clapping my hands. I watched this movie by myself more than a week ago.

so. Some people identified the movie as environmental pollution and environmental protection during the review process, while others said it was just fiction, thinking that this movie is a movie and reality is reality. Everyone's comments I read are either right or wrong in their own way. Everyone finds their own mind in this movie.

However, if you read this article and put my words on this film, you will understand that reality is much worse than the film's fiction.

The whole world - theater, and the people in it - the actors


On this wonderful note, I end my article! Have fun and remember that a movie is a movie and reality is reality! Wish ya'll good luck! Thank you for your attention!


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