New York Times Documentary Sharing

Jiunn-Tyng Yeh

Showtime recently released a season of documentary The fourth estate, which tells the story of what the New York Times has done in the 500 days since Trump took office. The most fascinating part of the whole series is that you can see the stories behind all the biggest news in more than a year, from Trump's various Russian gates to Harvey Weinstein, there is a feeling of watching the live version of the Newsroom (Newsroom), and finally the protagonists in the documentary took a total of three Pulitzers, which is really very, very beautiful.

I am not a journalism major, but I am very interested in the media. After reading it, I have a lot of questions I want to discuss, including the NYT daily podcast recently launched by the New York Times (super recommended, I can't sleep without listening to it every day), the overall digital The direction of the strategy, and how to face the inappropriate behavior of his own White House correspondant in the torrent of Me too, the competition with Washington post and so on.

The URL is here:

But the more troublesome thing is that non-US regions don’t seem to be able to watch it. You can use a VPN to jump to the United States to watch, and then you need to register for a free trial. You can extend the trial from seven days to 30 days by hitting “daily” in the promo code. There are four episodes in total, about Four to five hours, really very, very recommended.


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Jiunn-Tyng Yeh醫學生、神經科學博班生。關注區塊鍊、人工智慧在醫學研究及健康照護系統的應用,以及所有其他有趣的事。
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