[2022.03.11] Back to the diary and recent events

Then I dragged it off until I wanted to say, "Anyway, let's post a post. Ignore the unorganized content in the past, post it first, or it will never be updated." So that's why you see this now. article.

The last time I posted was a long time ago. At that time, it was a bit stressful to post. I often stayed up late to finish posting, and then stipulated that I had too many things to do. Later, I was hospitalized for a few days at the end of December, and those days also broke the pattern that I wanted to continue in the past. And the rules also gave me a lot of impact on ideas.

The body is still observing and tracking (currently tracking the condition of the thyroid, taking a pulse every morning and evening)
There is also chronic food inflammation, which most people know should be allergies, which are very similar but not exactly the same (the numerical items during the test are different, but they are all similar to the body's immune response to attack itself), the reaction is relatively slow and long, because just Found by blood draw. At first I thought it was just skin allergies, but later I wanted to say that blood was drawn to test allergens, and I found that the white blood cells were too low (this is usually a phenomenon that occurs in cancer or critically ill patients, so although I was able to walk normally at the time, I was still arrested and hospitalized), Only after the follow-up blood test for allergens came out did we know that there was chronic food inflammation.
Because there are several items of chronic food inflammation, I have a lot of things that I can't eat, and it is almost difficult to eat out, because it is too difficult to control what will be eaten outside or what materials will be used in cooking, learn to buy things and sauces It's all about looking at the ingredient list and looking up how all kinds of weird food additives are made.

During the hospitalization, I tried my best to record the result of the card draw, but it was difficult to type without a computer, and it was difficult to move with the needle inserted in the right hand.
The draw records at that time were actually incomplete. I originally wanted to sort out and update them after I was hospitalized, but the procrastination has not been dealt with.

Then I dragged it off until I wanted to say, "Anyway, let's post a post. Ignore the unorganized content in the past, post it first, or it will never be updated." So that's why you see this now. article.

I'm actually still thinking about whether to maintain the past model, or to be a little more casual, or to change the theme.

Anyways first.


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Aly機械眼睛 攝影照片紀錄/雜心得/覺得有用的東西推廣 可以來liker.social找我:https://liker.social/invite/PFZQpHsb
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心事欲言卡 開箱紀錄 2022.03.09

