We are all "disabled"

By helping people with disabilities, we are helping ourselves

Residents of Matters, imagine that suddenly one day, when you open Matters, you find that some of the content you care about cannot be found, and some buttons are difficult to use or even disappear directly. Do you think Matters is normal, do you think Matters is malfunctioning?

And this is the world that visually impaired people encounter when they use Matters.

Matt City's page is better than Medium because it already has quite a few buttons with text descriptions, such as the "Create" button, "Appreciate the work", "Support the author", "Publish the work" and other buttons. So I'm here for basic operational needs. However, there seem to be some functions here that are purely mouse-operated. For example, typing in the title of the work, and then encircling the title with a chain to turn it into a hyperlink, or for example, the layout of the work in the form of blocks, so that readers can quickly search for functions such as sub-topics of the work, but I can't operate it. After the recent revision, we can't see the total number of clappings in the title of the article, but the number of clappings in the text is displayed in graphic form, and the screen reader software can't read it, so this information is also unavailable to me.

Xiaobai Evaluation once made a video to describe the various difficulties encountered by disabled people when using technology.

Xiaobai evaluation video

As the video said at the end, when we are old, our eyesight and physical strength are no longer the same as when we were young, and we also have to rely on auxiliary facilities and screen reading software to live, in the face of this unfriendly to "handicapped people". In a technological world, what should we do?


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!