Use Poetry to Fit the Scene | Create Your Own [Ten-Line Poem]


When I was a student, I came across [Sonnets] by chance. The great writer Shakespeare stands out in the literary world with his original style. Strictly speaking. Due to the grammatical structure and tense , it is not easy to rhyme English poems (let alone one rhyme!), not to mention the completeness of the rhythm and the correctness of the parts of speech . So, how to run an all-rhyming English poem has always been a challenge I set myself. So, making birthday cards by hand became a good opportunity for me to practice.

If you also write sonnets, you are afraid of being mistaken for plagiarism (seems like you think too far... 😅); It's not that easy to do, just develop a set of your own style -- [ten-line poetry] !

In the production of hand-made cards, I originally wanted to use my own handwriting (it feels more sincere!), but I also wanted to use Gothic style with a baroque frame to express the ancient rhythm, and finally use coffee to blend, Shape the texture of the smoked parchment . Because I was worried that the handwritten ink would be confused when I was smudged, I had to change course, type and select the font, and then print it out for processing.

[Ten-Line Poem] The content is as follows:

Between us, there is an invisible line,

Can't be cut off with any knife.

What brings us so tight?

It's love, between you and I.

Seems that we have met each other in ancient time,

We have been in love in many circles of lives.

You are the strongest wine,

Can't help not to get drunk, no matter how hard I tried!

Even without a horse in white,

I still wanted to be your knight!

hand made birthday card

A birthday card made with full of your own heart should impress the person who receives it, right? 😅


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