New book recommendation! I have no secrets (Eastern Publishing)


New book recommendation! I have no secrets (Eastern Publishing)

Hello everyone, I'm Dawei Chai himself (the real face of Lushan)

haven't seen you for a long time! I'm back with a book!

Today, I recommend the latest book of this month from Oriental Publishing House: I have no secrets


It is introduced on the Internet as follows:

A healing novel combining suspenseful reasoning, multiple families and profound emotions

A girl with cerebral palsy,

Emotional but unable to express,

She knows all the truth, but how to unravel the horrific mysteries?


The subject matter of this story is great!

"Girl with Cerebral Palsy" knows who the real culprit is, but he can't communicate with the outside world,

unable to speak,

How can she communicate "her message" so that the outside world "knows and believes"

This is really a difficult problem and a good subject,

Let teenage readers think about what to do?

How to interact with "children with special diseases".

Recommended for readers who like detectives and cherish special identities.


Basic information of this book

i have no secrets

Author: Penny Johnson

Original Author: Penny Joelson

Publisher: Taiwan Oriental

Publication date: 2022/03/01


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