[Baker wants to enjoy] I solved a problem! also resolved...

Ladies and gentlemen, what is the most difficult question to be asked by your wife? How do you usually answer? Yes, no, or no answer? I have solved the following problems, and they have been solved...

"Husband, do you think I've lost weight?"

(Oh sorry, I'm just that stinky Taurus straight man who has a very weak will to survive, and doesn't feel bad, but doesn't want to hurt his wife and shows an embarrassed expression with silent denial)

"I knew you didn't care about me at all. Forget it, today my friend said I've lost weight! You can see that!"

"Skinny, well, their conscience..."


The following content is too bloody to go into details...

This is more difficult for me than " Who do you save first when I fall into the water at the same time as your mother? " After all, my husband, who is a lifeguard of the Red Cross, may become me asking " I and my mother, do you save first ?" who ".

"Every day I see who knows if I have lost weight!" "I think it's the same!" My answer was probably the same. Because I really don't want to lie!

But she always learns to be obedient after being scorned a few times, forcing out some answers that she might want to hear: "Hmm...", "Oh yes!", "There are some thin!"

"You don't think I'm skinny at all, why are you lying to me!"

This is not a way to live! But I'm a smart person, so I don't need to answer after that... Hahahaha...

"What's going on now, the husband and wife have been ignoring people for a few years..."

Hmm... Since it's wrong no matter what, then at least I can't suffocate to death! In the end, every time I answered with a blank eye and got beaten became routine... Now it's the wife who asks the question, the air condenses for a second, the eyes meet, and my face is embarrassed😅... It will be dealt with...

Between the two, there will always be some questions about yes or no, no or no, and even without making a sound. I have tried to pass safely, but it was all in vain. , then enjoy it!

But don't worry, no one was hurt by Goji Baker...

We have become accustomed to arguing and bickering every day. It is a "bicker drum" when we are familiar with each other's personality. Many times when we talk about these interesting "dry words", the two end up laughing until their stomach hurts. The question itself isn't really important at all, what's important is knowing that you care about her and having a chat with her, isn't it?

However, it is not recommended that straight boyfriends learn to imitate, otherwise please be responsible for the consequences!

I'm Baker, I'm a physical therapist,

son, brother,

Husband, son-in-law...

When wearing or not wearing a therapeutic gown,

normal, usual,

commonplace everyday,

Joy, anger, sadness, and joy, all want to share with you;

Sour, sweet, bitter, spicy, I want you to taste it too.

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