LIFE | Watching meteors fly by, no! That's rubbish!

One of us starry sky fans said, "Have you ever thought that the moving star is a satellite?"
Debris from China's Long March 5B rocket re-entered the atmosphere at 0:55 a.m. on the 31st and passed through Malaysian airspace. (online picture)

I remember going outside when I was a child, or opening the window and looking up at the sky. If the weather is good, you can see the sky is full of twinkling stars. I remember that sometimes at night, when the weather is too hot, I will go to the opposite side of the house with a few neighbors. sitting on the lawn and chatting and watching the stars.

We little kids didn't dare to point to the moon except for the moon. At that time, when adults said that pointing to the moon would cut off our ears, we would all point to the stars and say it was mine, and say the names of a bunch of constellations. That is the broom star, which is unlucky. The little girl will think that it is a meteor, and ask everyone to make a wish quickly.

If children want to believe these beautiful rumors, they will put their hands together and close their eyes to make a wish. A child's wish is very simple. It is nothing more than being able to play every day without going to school or doing homework, or to have endless snacks to eat.

When I was a child, I could see stars when I looked up into space, which is a matter of course, but when I grew up and became a low-headed person, I kept looking down at my mobile phone or tablet, and I felt that my soul was sucked in by the mobile phone, and I couldn’t extricate myself. But when I occasionally looked up into space, I noticed that there were far fewer stars.

The stars are not missing or gone, but the city is developing faster and faster. There are high-rise buildings everywhere, and the stars in the night sky of the city are covered by the lights of many buildings and disappear. I forgot it was that year. I was driving with a friend from the city to the suburbs. We happened to drive to a road that had just been completed, because the street lights had not been installed and there were only a few houses around, because it was dark and the wind was blocked from the car. Looking out of the glass, the sky in front of us is full of stars, so beautiful!

The two of us were attracted to park the car on the side of the road and get off to watch the stars. That scene really shocked me, and I still remember it to this day. Two or three years later, when we returned to the original place, the street lights were installed, there were more houses, more natural light pollution, and fewer stars.

Nowadays, when people want to see the stars, or couples in love want to have a romantic view of the starry sky, they have to go to the suburbs or the seaside, but now our starry sky has other "artificial stars" besides the stars. Once a group of friends went to On a vacation by the sea, while chatting on the beach at night, a friend suddenly pointed to the starry sky and said, "Look, there is a star moving over there, is it a shooting star?"

One of us starry sky fans said, "Have you ever thought that the moving star is a satellite?"

Although this is too disappointing, he is telling the truth. Recently, I read Long Yingtai's book "The Practice of Walking Alone", in which there is a chapter "Finding a Place Without Light" which states: "From 1957 to today, Human beings have launched a total of 5,250 satellites. At this moment when I stare at the starry sky by my stream, there are 23,000 "things" in the sky constantly flying around the earth, of which 1,200 It's a working satellite, and the rest are abandoned launchers, which are "space junk."

"These garbage will still crack, so when I was indulging in the fragrance of betel nut flowers and grass and considering whether to make a wish on the meteor, there were actually 16,000 one-millimeter satellite fragments flying in the starry sky."

Speaking of meteors, in Sarawak, where I live, many night owls saw a "vision" in the sky at 12:00 am on July 31st. At that time, a fire group suddenly appeared in the sky and flew past, and it also made a continuous loud noise. Thunder. Many citizens who will take the video think it is a meteor flying by, and they want everyone to make a wish quickly.

There are also citizens who know that it is an alien attack. The fireball is actually a spaceship. Of course, it is a joke, but I believe it is somewhat mixed in. Some people even thought that July was a "ghost" when they saw fires appear in the sky, thunder rumbled, and their dogs barked terribly!

The mystery was solved the next morning, and the fireball was actually a fragment of the Chinese Long March 5B rocket!

The Malaysian Space Agency, under the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation of Malaysia, said in a statement that debris from the Chinese Long March 5B rocket re-entered the atmosphere and crossed Malaysian airspace at 0:55 on the 31st, and debris was found in several areas, including over Sarawak. Flying past while debris falling and burning can be seen over the sand. According to records, the rocket debris eventually fell near the Sulu Sea, at 119 degrees east longitude and 9.1 degrees north latitude.

Therefore, many people may be wishing for the fragments. But seeing rocket fragments fall is also a very lucky thing, maybe only once in a lifetime.

The next time you see a meteor flying by, you can make a wish, but be prepared, maybe the so-called meteor is probably space junk!


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